Arbeitsblatt: New World 5 Test Unit 1


Lernziele: I feel so crooked & past simple/present perfect. Real- & Sekversion
Gemischte Themen
9. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




barbara buser
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New World 5, Unit 1 Sek Name: /39P 1. Being ill or injured – definition Schreibe auf die untere Linie, welche Nummer zu welchem Buchstaben gehört. 1 nose bleeding feeling of pain or discomfort in the area of the belly. 2 stomachache pain or discomfort in your head that can make it hard to think or focus. 3 flu medicines used to reduce or eliminate feelings of pain in the body. 4 painkillers damage to the leg that can cause pain, swelling, or difficulty moving. 5 cough syrup frequent and watery bowel movements that can lead to dehydration. 6 cough break in the skin on the finger that may bleed and hurt. 7 leg injury sudden release of air from the lungs that helps clear the throat or airways. 8 cut on my finger liquid medicine taken to relieve coughing and soothe the throat 9 diarrhea contagious virus that causes symptoms like fever, cough, and body aches. 10 fever when blood comes out of the nose, usually due to injury or dryness. 11 headache an increase in body temperature, often indicating that the body is fighting an illness. /5.5P 2. feel so crook Answer the questions (Schreibe ganze Sätze – 1P für sinnvolle Antwort, 1P für gramm. orthogr. korrekter Satz) What do you usually do when you have fever or feel sick? /2P When you have cough, what do you find helpful? /2P Have you ever experienced nose bleeding, and how did you handle it? /2P What does your mother tell you to do, when you have stomachache? /2P 3. The past – past simple present perfect a) Markiere mit Blau die Past simple Formen. b) Markiere mit Rot die Present perfect Formen. My husband and have never taken holiday together. Weve wanted to take holiday for long time, but we have never had the same holiday schedule. Next month, we both have two weeks off work, so were trying to plan vacation. wanted to go to Hawaii and already looked for hotel, but my husband has already been to Hawaii. He didnt want to go there again. He likes to go skiing in Vermont. Hes never skied before. dont like skiing. Ive skied three times in my life, but dont think want to do it again. Im afraid of heights and dont want to ride the gondola. /4.5P 4. Present perfect or past simple? 1. She (finish) her homework 10 minutes ago. 2. John and Peggy just (read) the book. Now they can watch the film. 3. She (return) home at 22 oclock. 4. Sarah (to go) for walk with her dog an hour ago. She (not to come) back yet. 5. How long do you think we will have to wait? We (to be) here since 2 oclock. 6. What about going to the cinema tonight, kids? Oh yes. We (not be) to the cinema for weeks. 7. Who wants pancakes for lunch? Oh no! We (to have) pancakes last week. 8. The man (live) in London since 2022. 9. just (kick) the ball. 10. We (watch) funny movie. Notenskala: 39P–37.5P: 6 37P–34P: 5.5 33.5P–30.5P: 5 30P–27P: 4.5 26.5P–23.5P: 4 23P–19.5P: 3.5 19P–16P: 3 15.5P–12.5P: 2.5 /11P New World 5, Unit 1 Real Name: /39P 1. Being ill or injured – definition Schreibe auf die untere Linie, welche Nummer zu welchem Buchstaben gehört. 1 nose bleeding feeling of pain or discomfort in the area of the belly. 2 stomachache pain or discomfort in your head that can make it hard to think or focus. 3 flu medicines used to reduce or eliminate feelings of pain in the body. 4 painkillers damage to the leg that can cause pain, swelling, or difficulty moving. 5 cough syrup frequent and watery bowel movements that can lead to dehydration. 6 cough break in the skin on the finger that may bleed and hurt. 7 leg injury sudden release of air from the lungs that helps clear the throat or airways. 8 cut on my finger liquid medicine taken to relieve coughing and soothe the throat 9 diarrhea contagious virus that causes symptoms like fever, cough, and body aches. 10 fever when blood comes out of the nose, usually due to injury or dryness. 11 headache an increase in body temperature, often indicating that the body is fighting an illness. /5.5P 2. feel so crook Answer the questions (Schreibe ganze Sätze – 1P für sinnvolle Antwort, 1P für gramm. orthogr. korrekter Satz) What do you usually do when you have fever or feel sick? /2P When you have cough, what do you find helpful? /2P Have you ever experienced nose bleeding, and how did you handle it? /2P What does your mother tell you to do, when you have stomachache? /2P 3. The past – past simple present perfect c) Markiere mit Blau die Past simple Formen (3 Formen) d) Markiere mit Rot die Present perfect Formen (6 Formen). My husband and have never taken holiday together. Weve wanted to take holiday for long time, but we have never had the same holiday schedule. Next month, we both have two weeks off work, so were trying to plan vacation. wanted to go to Hawaii and already looked for hotel, but my husband has already been to Hawaii. He didnt want to go there again. He likes to go skiing in Vermont. Hes never skied before. dont like skiing. Ive skied three times in my life, but dont think want to do it again. Im afraid of heights and dont want to ride the gondola. /4.5P 4. Present perfect or past simple? a) (visit) my grandmother last weekend. b) She (live) in this city for five years. c) They (finish) their project yesterday. d) He (see) that movie three times. e) We (travel) to Italy last summer. f) She (cook) dinner for us last night. g) They (finish) their homework on time. h) He (play) soccer with his friends last Saturday. Notenskala: 36P–34.5P: 6 34P–31.5P: 5.5 31P–28P: 5 27.5P–25P: 4.5 24.5P–21P: 4 20.5P–17.5P: 3.5 17P–14.5P: 3 14P–11P: 2.5 /8P Die Schüler*innen haben individuell 30 Verben aus „my Resources gelernt. Diese werden deshalb auch individuell getestet. i) Complete the chart (Levin) Verb Deutsche Übersetzung /10P Past simple Past participle know lie begin eat hold feed leave see pay meet 5. Complete the chart (Fay) Verb rise sit drink buy send speak sleep run meet see Deutsche Übersetzung /10P Past simple Past participle