Arbeitsblatt: YW 4/ U1 Test


YW 4/ U1 Test
Anderes Thema
6. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




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Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Englishtest – Young World 4, Unit 1 – The way we live Name: Datum: 30.09.2023 Anzahl erreichte Punkte: 32 Reading: a) Read the sentences carefully ( sorgfältig). b) Fill in the matching word in the gap ( Lücke). You will find the necessary ( notwendigen) words in the box below. 1. like to have in my burger. 2. Blueberrys ( Heidelbeeren) are. 3. Bees produces . 4. do my homework. 5. My is on the grill 6. Every morning drink glass of. 7. My best friend lives. bacon honey milk sausage berry always far a) Circle all countable nouns ( zählbaren Nomen) with red. b) Circle all uncountable nouns ( unzählbaren Nomen) with green. air apple girl car smoke milk /7 sand shopping smoke work Writing: 2.5 Name three vegetables, three kinds of fruit, three dairy products and three sweet things. Write the words on the lines. vegetables fruit dairy products sweets How much oder How many Gebrauch von how much: (Beispiel:) Gebrauch von how many:(Beispiel:) a) How pairs of jeans have you got? b) How phone calls do you get in day? c) How money do you spend in month? d) How air can you breathe at once? /6 e) How luck do you need to survive? f) How Jack got? Jack has got two pets. g) How in your soup? put little bit salt in my soup. Listening: /6.5 a) Listen carfully to the speaker. You will hear the text twice ( zweimal). b) Tick ( Ankreuzen) the correct statement ( korrekte Aussage) in each case. Only 1 statement is correct for each number. 1. Gisuseppe Manzo drinks his first morning coffee: with his boss in café at about 6 oclock 2. Piera Manzo: doesnt like fish only likes fish fingers likes to eat fish sometimes 3. Domenico: isnt the youngest in the family is younger than Pietro is the only boy in the family 4. Domenico and Pietro: drink fruit juice for breakfast have breakfast with milk sometimes drink coffee 5. After breakfast the boys go: directly to school to the fish shop to the market 6. Giuseppe gives his boys money for: school lunch snacks their bus ticket 7. The children eat lunch: at school in the classroom at home 8. Giuseppe has lunch: with people from work at home with Piera with his parents 9. Pieras favourite pasta is: pasta al ragu pasta with beans pasta from Sicilly 10. The Manzos: are vegetarians arent vegetarians dont like ice cream 10