Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary- travel log
Die ist eine Vocaübung für das Lehrmittel New World 5, unit 1. Voraussetzung ist der Text „Travel log“.
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Claudia Dallet
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Vocabulary travel blog What‘s the contrary? You nd the vocabulary in the travel blog. The plane is on time. The room is very tidy. He is travelling with group of tourists. fell asleep. He is sleeping peacefully. Pick up my luggage Your backpack is too light. She accepted to make an exception It was very interesting. We are about to land. very clean facilities It‘s very quiet. She was very ignorant. The farest supermarket is was worried about it. They talked all the same language I‘ve been unconcerned, unimpressed an ennemy on the day of arrival I‘ve remembered that woke up on time They very really stressed about it. am going to travel around my country. fi Translate: Unfortunately the pilot has just told us four-month journey ahead of me Anyway, woke up very early But guess what, pay an extra fee , but at least was able to buy couple of good books As soon as get to Cairn, . no way! They also know that have never been to this part of Australia and therefore they have really like my trip so far. We were held up by tra c. We have made up time and we are overtaking the slow trucks. What are the comparitive and superlative forms? What can you good learn fascinating wildlife huge national parks fabulous reefs beautiful marine life impressive sunrise modern architecture trendy cafe . . . . . . . . Translate Litch ld ist weniger touristisch, aber genau so interessant. Perth hat weniger Touristen als andere Städte. Kurse sind in Cairns erhältlich, der Stadt mit dem besten Zugang zu dem Ri School of the Air bietet Lektionen übers Internet an. Das ist unentbehrlich für Leute im Outback. ff ffi fi Answer Why is it forbidden to climb on the Ayers rock and the Olgas?