Arbeitsblatt: Responsible Tourism


Englisch / Geografie: Die SuS planen ein Resort
Gemischte Themen
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Daniela Rösch
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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3. Sekundarschule name: signature: New Inspiration 3 Responsible tourism writin Punkte 48 Beste Note der Klasse Note Klassenschnitt project Mass tourism has left its mark on the holiday areas for many years. The negative consequences of excessive tourism cannot be overlooked: traffic has increased. Exhaust gases and noise as well as high volume of garbage pollute the environment and the locals. The high demands of the tourists put great pressure on the holiday resorts. New areas always have to be developed for new hotels and attractions. Often, this interferes with nature and even destroys it a vicious circle. new route in tourism was sought. An alternative to hard tourism had to be found, which functions according to the motto always more and more and more. The solution is called soft tourism, with consideration for people, nature and the environment at the holiday destination first. Many holiday resorts today take the principles of gentle tourism into account in order to maintain the uniqueness and recreational value of their holiday region. They rely on the nature experience of the vacationers and not on the building of new tourist facilities. Characteristics of soft tourism • Holiday locations and their surroundings should be kept in their state. • Less building work for tourist traffic, e.g. hotels, ski slopes • no increase in the number of guests at any price • less traffic, e.g. B. car-free zones, more public transport also for arrival and departure • Offer of products from the region, e.g. food • Special marking of hiking and cycling trails • Informing guests about environmentally friendly behavior, avoidance of disposable packaging, economical use of water and energy TASK: You are the tourism director in location of your choice that doesnt exist yet. You create an advertising brochure to attract tourists who value responsible tourism. You advertise your place and show the following content: travelling to and from remote place, accommodation, means of transport, food, attractions, respect for the environment and local people, jobs and why tourists should choose your place for responsible travel. To do: 1. Do some research on the Internet and write down all the important information. 2. Decide about the look of your advertising brochure. 3. Dont forget, that you have to give all the important information. Working hours at school: 3.3. 10.3. 17.3. 24.3. 29.3. Closing date: Tuesday, 30th March 2021 (09.20 Uhr) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pt. pts. Arbeitseinsatz in der Schule (konzentriert, zielorientiert, effizient, selbständig) Attraktiver Ort für sanften Tourismus, toller Ferienort, Informationsfülle Durchdachte Planung (An- und Abreise, Übernachtung, Aktivitäten, etc.) Eigene Idee, kein bereits so existierender Ort, in der Realität umsetzbar möglich Rechtschreibung, Grammatik Wortwahl Eigene selbstverfasste Sätze, keine Sätze aus dem Internet, Sätze dem Sprachniveau angepasst. Gestaltungsidee (Bilder, Schrift, Layout, etc.) Ausführung: sauber, sorgfältig, Word oder anderes Programm Die Kriterien für sanften Tourismus wurden umgesetzt und der Ferienort hat ein passendes, attraktives Logo. Klassenbewertung Rang 1 – 21 Wichtig: Du erfindest einen Ort, an welchem sanfter Tourismus angeboten wird. Für Inhalte, welche vom Internet ganz oder auch nur teilweise kopiert wurden, erhältst du die Note 1. Auch muss sich dein Ort klar von den erfundenen Ferienorten der anderen Mitschülerinnen und Mitschüler unterscheiden.