Arbeitsblatt: Irregular past tense


unregelmässige Verben in der Vergangenheit, Englisch
4. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Annika frei
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Young World 4 Unit 3 – Yesterday and today Kopiervorlage 3.12 Irregular past tense Read the sentences carefully and write the underlined verb in the past tense. The first one has been done for you. 1. One of the maids tells us of great fire. 2. People run from their houses with all they have. 3. So now am most worried. 4. The boy at the top of the mast sees land! 5. My mother feels frightened on the train. 6. There are seventeen in our boat. 7. The man says, Take my lifejacket. 8. Many people lose their houses. 9. Mrs Coutts only has livejackets for her children. 10. Many passengers of the Titanic fall down into the cold water. 11. Fanny Kemble never forgets the train ride to Manchester. 12. The people in London throw everything into the boats. 13. Mrs Coutts is fully dressed on the lifeboat. Klett und Balmer AG, 2021, Kopiervorlage, Young World 4, Teachers Book. Quellenverzeichnis: told