Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary NW5 Unit 1
zwei Versionen (A&B)
9. Schuljahr
6 Seiten
Lukas Scheidegger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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English: Vocabulary NW 5 Unit 1 name: /22 mark: 1. Tick the right answer. Only one answer is correct! Apotheker (Nomen) doctor chemist chef pharmacy sich freuen auf (phrasal verb) go forward to see forward to lean forward to look forward to Unfall (Nomen) emergency activity accident ambulance krank werden (phrasal verb) get sick get the sack get together get through Sonnenuntergang (Nomen) sunrise sunbathe sunshine sunset Verletzung (Nomen) emergency accident insult injury signature 6p 2. Write down the matching word in English. 4p 3. Translate from German to English and vice versa. English German Küste Grippe Personal, Mitarbeitende Reisende/-r refuse (v) tiny (adj) sore throat (n) mess (n) 8p 4. Complete the sentences with the missing word. 4p We went (auf Besichtigungstour gehen) first and then relaxed on the beach. Do you have any for diarrhoea? All have six legs, dont they? There was so much (Lärm), couldnt sleep. English: Vocabulary NW 5 Unit 1 name: /22 mark: 1. Tick the right answer. Only one answer is correct! sich freuen auf (phrasal verb) go forward to look forward to lean forward to see forward to Unfall (Nomen) emergency activity accident ambulance Apotheker (Nomen) doctor chemist chef pharmacy krank werden (phrasal verb) get sick get the sack get together get through Verletzung (Nomen) emergency accident injury insurance Sonnenaufgang (Nomen) sunbathe sunrise sunshine sunset signature 6p 2. Write down the matching word in English. 4p 3. Translate from English to German and vice versa. German English tiny (adj) sore throat (n) Mess (n) Refuse (v) Grippe Küste Reisende/-r Personal, Mitarbeitende 8p 4. Complete the sentences with the missing word. 4p Do you have any for diarrhoea? We went (auf Besichtigungstour gehen) first and then relaxed on the beach. There was so much (Lärm), couldnt sleep. All have six legs, dont they?