Arbeitsblatt: NW3 Unit 2
Dossier zum Wortschatz üben NW 3 U2
7. Schuljahr
6 Seiten
Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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NW 3 U2 Translate the words and the phrases. german 1 Körpersprache 2 3 Gespräch, Unterhaltung 4 5 6 Verständigung english angry frightened communicate Write the correct English word into the gape. 1. of spiders. 2. He never gets aggressive; he is always . 3. will this songs that can hear it later. 4. What is your animal? 5. This film make everybody. 6. dont understand this very well. sich fürchten Lieblings- aufnehmen Kommentar ruhig fröhlich Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. His teacher has long conversation with his parents. 2. Apes use body language to communicate. 3. Der Schimpanse ist wütend, wenn er ein Problem hat. 4. Die Gebärdensprache hilft tauben Menschen. Translate into German. 1. When dog has its tail between the legs, its anxious. 2. When chimpanzee smiles, his top teeth are covered. 3. They make sound similar to our laughter. 4. Deaf people use sign language. 5. Chimpanzees are very sociable. 6. They press their lips together to impress other chimpanzees. 7. Cats purr, when they are relaxed. 8. Dogs bark, when they are excited. 9. Cheerful birds twitter. 10. An angry chimpanzee has scary face. Complete the text. watched film about on TV. They wanted to know how Bonobos . They can feelings with their face. Panbanisha can understand what her dog wants to say to her Bonobos have an open when they play. Is difficult to learn? smile – conversation – body language – communicate – spiders – sign language – chimpanzees – stare – express normally A. Translate the words into English. 1. Schimpanse 2. generell 3. Unterhaltung/Gespräch 4. faul 5. fröhlich 6. ernst 7. Bedeutung 8. Körpersprache 9. aufgebracht 10. kommunizieren B. Translate the words into English. 1. calm 2. scared 3. frightened 4. disappointed 5. mean 6. curious 7. often 8. usually 9. tired 10. record Translate the following sentences. 1. Die Zeichensprache ist der Kommentar für taube Leute. 2. Hab keine Angst. Er ist nicht wütend oder aggressiv. 3. Ich bin so aufgeregt, mein liebster Sänger (singer) spielt in zwei Tagen. 4. Der freundliche Wissenschaftler ist verängstigt weil er ein ernstes Problem hat. 5. Normalerweise ist sie scheu. Ich bin froh, dass Sie heute so entspannt ist. Translate the words and put them in the right place in the text. The film is also talking about the Panbanisha and the are having. Panbanisha is. Her meal is hot dog. Luckily Panbanisha isnt so that she can with Dr. Savage-Rumbaugh. Panbanisha can also different feelings and emotions. One big difference between apes and can be found by looking at the . ausdrücken Mund Maul Schimpansin kommunizieren Kommentar Lieblings- Menschen (Achtung Mehrzahl) Gespräch Unterhaltung Wissenschaftler/-in taub 1. List up 5 different feelings emotions: a. b. c. d. e. 2. Use 5 more feelings emotions to write 5 sentences. (Do not use the same adjectives as in Nr. 1!) a. b. c. d. e. 3. Write 4 sentences using the following expressions: normally, often, generally, usually. Use 4 different verbs. Write the correct English word from the box in the sentences! Kommentar aufnehmen verärgert, wütend schüchtern müde ernst Zeichensprache ausdrücken Bedeutung ruhig, gelassen neugierig enttäuscht Angst haben, aggressiv faul Mund Körpersprache Lippe normalerweise Schimpanse Wissenschaftler 1. Im now, think its time to go to bed. 2. Youre very arent you? Why do you ask so many questions? 3. Our teacher is very person, always relaxed. 4. Shes because she cant find her phone. 5. My little sister is very, she never talks to people she doesnt know. 6. Be careful! That dog looks . The dog is snarling. 7. Im of big dogs. 8. My brother is very , he never helps at home. 9. was so that our best footballer didnt play. 10. Stop laughing! This is ! Look at the pictures and use the adjectives you have learned to describe which feelings the chimpanzees are expressing. Translate the words and the phrases. german 1 Körpersprache 2 wütend 3 Gespräch, Unterhaltung 4 verängstigt 5 sich verständigen, kommunizieren 6 Verständigung english Body language angry conversation frightened communicate communication Write the correct English word into the gape. 1. Im afraid of spiders. afraid 2. He never gets aggressive; he is always calm. fafourite 3. will record this song that can hear it later. record 4. What is your favourite animal? commentary 5. This film make everybody cheerful. calm 6. dont understand this commentary very well. cheerful Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. His teacher has long conversation with his parents. Sein Lehrer hat eine lange Unterhaltung mit seinen Eltern. 2. Apes use body language to communicate. Menschenaffen brauchen die Körpersprache um sich zu verständigen. 3. Der Schimpanse ist wütend, wenn er ein Problem hat. The chimpanzee is angry, when he has problem. 4. Die Gebärdensprache hilft tauben Menschen (humans). The sign language helps the deaf humans.