Arbeitsblatt: Reading comprehension Übung
Reading comprehension Übung
12. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Verena Meier (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Do you know the correct verb form? 1 kill 2 be 3 live 4 cannot 5 jump 6 read 7 be 8 cannot 9 say 10 criticise 11 say 12 have 13 find 14 be 15 lack 16 concern 17 have 18 seem 19 be 20 look 21 be 22 have 23 record 24 be 25 be 26 be 27 affect 28 find 29 be 30 be 31 be 32 conclude Questions about the text 1. Name some reasons why Pamela Relf felt she couldnt continue teaching. She found the stress of her job too much. The pace of work and the long days are more than she could handle. 2. What or who did her brother blame? He blames the role of teachers in society. The education system is not coping with the changes in society and putting the pressure on teachers. 3. What did the head teacher say about Pamela Relf? He found her in stressed state and was concerned about her. 4. What did the inspectors find out about the school? The school was found to have serious weaknesses in reading and writing, and that also teaching was unsatisfactory. They said that the school was below average overall.