Arbeitsblatt: Englisch Rollenspiele


Skript für Rollenspiel "at the airport"
9. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Claudia von Arx
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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The airport Questions you might need to ask (and answers you might hear!) Where is the check-in counter for British Airways? Its in the other terminal over the road. Its on the right just opposite the Starbucks. Am in the right queue? No, this is for customers with priority boarding. Yes, youre in the right place. Do you accept payment in Euros? Yes, but theres 12% fee on top of the exchange rate. No, sorry about that. We accept credit cards though! Where is the currency exchange? Theres booth right next to the front entrance. Theres an ATM on the other side of security. Will be allowed to take this on the plane? No, Im afraid youll have to empty the container or throw it away. Yes, that should be fine as long as its in your checked baggage. Yes, that should be alright! Do you have any more information on why my flight has been delayed? No, sorry, cant comment on that. There will be more information on the boards when it comes in. There are some minor Air Traffic Control issues today. There are adverse weather conditions on the flight journey, because of storm over the Atlantic ocean. Is there shuttle bus that runs between terminals? Yes, you will need to go to the end of this terminal and down the escalators to find it. No, but theres train between terminals 2 and 5. Just follow the signs. No, but it wont take long to walk. How long will it take me to get to the gate? About thirty minutes. would start walking soon if were you! Its five or ten-minute walk. How much time should allow to get through security? At least an hour. Its busy today. About half an hour. Where is the gate? Where is the departure lounge? Just around the corner, on the right. Keep walking straight through this terminal. Its near the toilets. Excuse me, where is the baggage claim area? Just follow the signs to the exit. When are the bags arriving for the flight from Malaga? It should be less than half an hour now. dont know, will check with another member of staff. cant see my suitcase on the conveyor belt! Is it lost? Not all of the suitcases from your flight are out yet. It is probably still onboard the plane. Im very sorry to hear that. Come and speak to colleague of mine, please. Can request an aisle seat, please? Of course, you can change seats for an extra $15. No, Im afraid all of the seats are booked up. When is the final boarding call? In ten minutes! Where is the taxi rank/coach stop/bus stop?