Arbeitsblatt: Jeopardy Game Animals
Englischspiel - Tierquiz
Anderes Thema
6. Schuljahr
8 Seiten
Loredana Peverelli
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
I dont have legs. have two wings. am an insect. love sitting on flowers. have four legs. am pet. like to eat fish. like to hunt mice. usually live in house. have four legs. give milk. like to eat grass. have big body. have four legs. like to eat meat. am dangerous animal. crawl on my belly. have four legs. am big animal. have long nose called trunk. have big ears. dont have legs. have long body. like to hiss. am dangerous reptile. have four legs. like to eat grass. live in field. have black and white striped body. am the king of the forest. like to hunt. sleep 18 to 20 hours day. can stand with two legs. have pouch in my stomach. live in Australia. am wild animal. People say am wise and cruel. have Sharp teeth. live in the sea. can jump high out of the water. have eight legs. eat flies. create webs. Some people fear me. can swim. cant fly. eat fish. am bird. am wild animal. hunt in packs. howl. look like dog. am bird. live in Africa. have long legs. am pink. live in Asia. am kind of bear. am vegetarian. am black and white.