Arbeitsblatt: Dossier YW- Unit 1 School around the world


Dossier YW 3- Unit 1 School around the world. Dossier beinhaltet die Lernziele & Wörter, sowie die wichtigsten KV zu Klett.
Anderes Thema
5. Schuljahr
19 Seiten




Leni (Spitzname)

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Unit 1Schools around the world Name: Learn the Vocabulary S. 5 Sign . S. 6 School words- KV 1.1 S. 7 What did George and Shalini say? – KV 1.2 S. 8 Sentence puzzle- KV 1.3 S. 9 Pupils around the world- KV 1.4 S. 10 My school uniform- KV 1.5 S. 11 Forms of to be- KV 1.6 S. 12 Pronouns- KV 1.7 S. 13 Canberry school 1- KV 1.8 S. 14-15 tour around the school- KV 1.9 S. 16-18 Language trainer Lernziele: Prüfung Unit 1 1. Ich kann Beschreibungen über den Schulalltag verstehen. PB p. 6-7, t. 2 PB p. 8, t. 5-9 AB p. 10, t. 3-4 2. Ich kann Informationen aus Texten über andere Schulen verstehen. PB p. 11, t. 18 AB p. 8-9, t. 1 AB p. 14, t. 13-16 3. Ich kann mithilfe von Bildern Vergleiche bilden. (andere Schulen mit unserer Schule vergleichen. Zudem kann ich Mithilfe von vorgegebenen Satzteilen auf einen Vorschlag zu Freizeitaktivitäten reagieren und selber solche Vorschläge machen. (mündlicher Teil wird separat geprüft) PB p. 11, t. 17-18, 20 AB p. 8-9, t. 1 PB p. 12, t. 21-23 AB p. 10, t. 2 AB p. 12, t. 8-10 AB p. 14, t. 15 Vocabulary Unit 1 KV 4. Ich kann einfache Sätze über meinen Schulalltag schreiben. 5. Sprachwissen à Ich kenne die Wörter von Unit 1 und kann diese auch verwenden. Zudem weiss ich wie das Verb to be gebildet wird und auch die Bildung von den Mehrzahlformen. (auch die unregelmässigen) Young World – interaktive Übungen Unit 1- schools around the world- Übungen 1a-1h Schools around the world 2 Satzstrukturen Wiederholung Lagebezeichnungen between next to across from to the right of to the left of turn right/left go straight on to the left/right there is/ are. there is/ are. wichtige Strukturen bei Sätzen Fragen They have. This school has We dont have. The school bus is special different. That boring because. That sounds. That cool idea. How about. / What do you think of / When does. How does What does. Schools around the world 3 Merkblatt Plural (Mehrzahl) im Englischen Der Normalfall: Beispiele: shop à tree à book à Nomen s shops trees books Nomen mit einem Zischlaut am Ende: Beispiele: bus à church à kiss à buses churches kisses Nomen, die mit Konsonant y enden: Beispiele: baby à story à lady à immer, Nomen es babies stories ladies Nomen ies Achtung! Regel gilt nicht z.B. boy à boys steht vor –y ein Vokal (a, e, i, o, u) dann wird ein –ys geschrieben. Nomen, die mit (e) enden: Beispiele: wife à leaf à half à wives leaves halves man à men child à children foot à feet mouseà mice womanà momen tomatoà tomatoes Schools around the world Alles gemerkt? Gut so! Unregelmässige Nomen: Beispiele: Nomen ves 4 Class vocabulary Unit 1 pupil headmaster class/grade teachers room schoolyard gym changing room outdoor track timetable break/recess Arts Club choir subject PE (physical education) history maths science geography social studies (pl.) shirt jumper trousers (pl.) skirt tie shoe I, my you, your he, his she, her we, our they, their How about ? Thats cool idea! That sounds brilliant/fantastic. Thats boring. across from to the left/right of School words Schools around the world Schüler/-in Rektor (Schul-)Klasse Lehrerzimmer Pausenplatz Turnhalle, Fitnessstudio Umkleideraum Aussenbahn, Laufbahn im Freien Stundenplan, Fahrplan Pause Kunstclub Chor, Gesangsverein (Schul-)Fach, Thema Turnen, Sport (Schulfach) Geschichte Mathe (Natur-)Wissenschaft Geografie Sozialkunde, Gesellschaftskunde Hemd Pullover Hose Rock, Jupe Krawatte Schuh ich, mein, -e du, dein, -e; ihr, euer, eure er, sein, -e sie, ihr, -e (Singular) wir, unser, -e sie, ihr, -e (Plural) Wie wäre es mit ? Das ist eine coole Idee! Das klingt toll/fantastisch. Das ist langweilig. gegenüber von links/rechts von KV 1.1 5 1 Label these pictures. 2 Draw picture in the boxes for the verbs and phrases. join club have lunch read write What did George and Shalini say? recite texts tie your hair KV 1.2 1 Write the letter of the matching word next to the picture. a: tie b: whiteboard c: ribbon d: key ring e: lunch break f: table tennis g: nine oclock h: reading i: sing j: canteen Schools around the world 6 2 Write the correct word in each sentence. 1. Our teachers write on 2. go to the club. 3. Our is half an hour. 4. am designing on the computer. 5. We wear green and silver 6. At lunchtime we eat in the 7. We tie our hair with 8. We to every birthday child. 9. like stories. 10. We start school at Sentence puzzle KV 1.3 Here are some things children said about their school. But the endings got lost! Complete each sentence with the correct ending. go outside and play games like soccer. at Assembly. and takes me to school. lunch outside in the schoolyard. Schools around the world every Saturday. skirts and ribbons for our hair. 7 1. Here is picture of my class eating 2. This is me in my school uniform. We all wear ties, but the girls wear 3. Our headmaster greets us in the morning 4. We have clubs 5. Every morning the school bus picks me up 6. love recess, because we can Pupils around the world KV 1.4 1 Read the sentences and fill in the grid. 1. One of the boys is from Sweden. 2. One boy joins the football club. 3. Joshua is between Tim and Jason. 4. Nick likes soup. Schools around the world 8 5. Jason wears glasses. 6. Tim doesnt like salad. 7. The boy who joins the tennis club comes from Australia. 8. The boy who likes salad comes from South Africa. 9. Tim is next to the boy from Australia. 10.Tim has lot of basketballs at home. 11.Joshua likes lasagne most. 12. The boy who likes pizza doesnt join the badminton club. 13. Nick doesnt like badminton. 14.Tim is not from Brazil. Name Favourite food Sports club Country 2 Who is in the football club and where does he come from? My school uniform KV 1.5 1 Read the text and draw and colour the uniform in figure A. My shirt is light blue. wear dark blue pullover over my shirt. have dark green and yellow striped tie. wear black shorts when it is hot. wear white socks with black stripe at the top. My shoes are brown. Schools around the world 9 2 Now its your turn. Draw your school uniform in figure B. B 3 Describe your uniform. Forms of to be KV 1.6 Write the forms of to be in the box next to the picture. Use: we are, you are, they are, he is, you are, she is, it is 1. Person Schools around the world am 10 3. Person 2. Person 2. Person 3. Person 1. Person Pronouns KV 1.7 Write the correct pronouns next to each picture. Use: our, his, your, their, her, your, its 1. Person 2. Person Schools around the world Thats my book. Thats book. 11 3. Person Thats book. Thats book. SR IA NL Thats teacher. 2. Person Thats teacher. 3. Person Thats teacher. 1. Person Ralf is name. Canberry school 1 KV 1.8 1 Read the text about Canberry School. Our school is secondary school. There are more than 1000 students at our school. Most of the classrooms are in the main building. There is hall in the main building. The morning assemblies and other large meetings are in this hall. The dining hall is close to the main entrance. It is my favourite place in school. The headmasters office is just opposite the dining hall. There is also room for all the teachers, the teachers room, next to the headmasters office. At the reception there is bell that you can ring if you need any help. The large gym is just next to the main hall. The tennis courts are on the other side of the schoolyard. The music department is behind the English department. 2 Decide if the sentences are true or false and tick. If they are false correct them. Schools around the world 12 TRUE FALSE 1. Our school is primary school. 2. There are more than 1000 students at our school. 3. Most of the classrooms are in the main building. 4. There are two halls in the main building. 5. The morning assemblies and other large meetings are in this hall. 6. The dining hall is close to the gym. 7. In the teachers room there is bell. 8. The large gym is just next to the dining hall. 9. The tennis courts are on the other side of the schoolyard. 10. The music department is in front of the English department. tour around the school KV 1.9 1 Read the sentences and look at the plan on the next page. Label the places in bold in the school plan. 2 Write the correct prepositions in the gaps. Use: on the left of next to opposite next to between on the right of opposite in on the other side of between through close to near 1. the main entrance there are two classrooms. 15. There are lots of flowers Schools around the world the schoolyard. 13 16. You can see four trees if you look windows of the dining hall. 17. There is sports hall 18. The changing rooms are hall. 19. the the river. the sports the gym there are three trees. 20. The main hall is entrance. 21. The headmasters office is hall. 22. The reception is office. 23. the main the main the headmasters the schoolyard there is basketball field. 24. There are girls toilets and the computer room. 25. the reception the computer room there is another classroom. 26. The library is and the reception. the four classrooms staff room corrid or main entranc Schools around the world 14 boys toilets our lass oo Language trainer CROSSWORD 1. Write the words. The words are about clothes and subjects at school. Schools around the world 15 2. Find the word in the wordsnake and check your answers in the crossword. CLUB 3. Find the second part of the sentence and complete them. What should we do? Ann: Let go and watch Nick: Oh, no! That. dont. Ann: How about the Nick: That sounds !! table tennis club the choir practice brilliant Let go Schools around the world 16 boring like their music MY SCHOOL 4. Use the words below to complete the sentence. 1. You can run around and play games inside. It the . 2. This is where our teachers prepare their lessons. It the. 3. We go here before we do sports. It the . 4. This is what tells me have maths. It the. 5. This is where we have our break outside. It the . 6. Maths, English and PE are some of my school. 7. This person begins the school day with Assembly. It the . 8. This year Im in five. teacher room subjects headmaster timetable schoolyard gym grade changing room OUR CLOTHES 5. Fill in my (2x), your (2x), her (1x), his (2x), their (2x) and the clothes and colours. Schools around the world 17 a) Her is blue and skirt is yellow. b) is green and are brown. c) are red and are white. d) e) . Schools around the world 18