Arbeitsblatt: Double Decker 4 Unit 2 Test Painting Review


Das folgende ist ein Aufsatz für die Unit 2 im Double Decker 4. Die SuS wählen und beschreiben ein Bild auf Englisch.
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6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




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Land: Schweiz
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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Name: Painting Review Choose one of the paintings you can see on the back of the page. Describe what you can see in the painting. What is the painting called? What type of painting is it? Describe the objects people shapes. Describe what is in the foreground and the background. Describe the colours. Review the painting. Do you like it or not? Why? How would it look better? Describe the life of the artist that painted it. Use the facts and events next to the picture you have chosen. Maximum one page. Criteria 1) You describe the painting in detail. 2) You express your opinion of the painting and explain your reasoning. 3) You describe the life of the artist. 4) Your text is coherent. 5) You use varied and appropriate vocabulary. 6) You make complete sentences. 7) Your spelling is accurate. Leve Unsatisfact ory OK Good Excelle nt Weig ht 2x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x Level: Basic, Advanced P6b November 2022 Schürpf The Basket of Apples – Paul Cézanne Born: 19th of January 1839 Son of banker Had two sisters University in Aix-en-Provence in 1859 Moved to Paris in 1861 to study drawing Moved to Aix-en-Provence to draw American Gothic – Grant Wood Born: 13th of February 1891 Father died in 1901 Had one sister and one brother School: Handicraft Guild 1913: Moved to Chicago to study drawing 1922: Teacher for art in Cedar Rapids 1934: Professor at university for art Died in 1942 Heroic Landscape with Rainbow – J. A. Koch Born: 27th of July 1768 Son of farmers Making walks through the alps for inspiration 1794: Moved to Rome to draw 1797: Drawing pictures for books Painted many paintings, stayed poor Married in 1806, had three children Died in 1839