Arbeitsblatt: Young World 4 - Unit 2 - Reading Aufgabe
Zur Vorbereitung auf die Unitprüfung kann diese Reading-Aufgabe verwendet werden, um mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern die erforderlichen Strategien zu erarbeiten.
Lesen / Literatur
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Fjolla Imeri
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Reading Name Lies den Sachtext über den Rotfuchs und entscheide, ob die Aussagen richtig oder falsch sind oder nicht im Text vorkommen. Red foxes are one of the most widely distributed mammals in the world, living across North America, Europe, Asia, and even parts of North Africa. They are easily recognized by their reddish fur, white belly, and bushy tail with white tip. Red foxes are very adaptable and can live in forests, grasslands, mountains, and even urban areas. They are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet includes small mammals, birds, fruits, and insects. Red foxes are known for their cunning and agility, which help them hunt. They are mainly active during twilight and nighttime. Foxes communicate with each other through vocalizations and scent markings. Female foxes, called vixens, usually give birth to four to six kits in den. The young foxes stay with their mother for few months before becoming independent. The main threats to red foxes include habitat loss and hunting, although they are not currently endangered. Red foxes can live up to ten years in the wild, but many dont survive that long due to predators and environmental challenges. 1. Red foxes live only in Europe. 2. The white tip of their tail helps them to recognize each other. 3. Red foxes can be found in cities. 4. They hunt only during the day. 5. Their diet consists mainly of plants. 6. Female foxes are called vixens. 7. Foxes have more than one way of communicating. 8. Kits stay with their parents for several years. 9. Red foxes are considered endangered. 10. Red foxes can live up to 10 years in the wild. 11. The population of red foxes is decreasing because of hunting and habitat loss. 12. Their predators include bears and wolves. true false not in the text