Arbeitsblatt: Young World 3, unit 2: Fascinating animals, zusäztliches Textverständnis


Zusätzliches Textverständnis als Prüfungsvorbereitung zum Reading-Teil der unit 2 (Young World 3, 6. Klasse, fascinating animals) über Zebras inklusive Lösungen
Lesen / Literatur
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Markus Giger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Zebras: striped wonders of the animal world Zebras are fascinating animals that belong to the horse family. They are best known for their black-and-white striped coats, which make them stand out in the animal kingdom. But did you know that these stripes have purpose (einen Zweck)? Scientists believe the stripes help confuse predators (Raubtiere) like lions and hyenas or keep biting flies away. Zebras live in grasslands and savannas, mostly in Africa. They eat grass, leaves, and sometimes shrubs (Sträucher). Because they are herbivores, zebras spend most of their day grazing. group of zebras is called dazzle, and they stick together to protect each other from danger. Each zebra has unique pattern of stripes, just like human fingerprints. This helps them recognize each other. Baby zebras are called foals (Fohlen) and are able to stand and walk shortly after birth. This is important because they need to keep up with the herd. There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the mountain zebra, and the Grevys zebra. Sadly, some zebra species are endangered because of hunting and loss of their habitats. True, false or not mentioned (nicht erwähnt)? 1. Zebras are part of the horse family. true false not mentioned 2. Zebras eat meat and fish. true false not mentioned 3. Lions are the only predators of zebras. true false not mentioned 4. Zebras are mainly (vor allem) found in Africa. true false not mentioned 5. Each zebras stripe pattern is unique. true false not mentioned 6. Baby zebras can walk soon after they are born. true false not mentioned 7. Zebras can run faster than lions. true false not mentioned 8. Zebras are endangered because they eat too much grass. true false not mentioned herbivores Pflanzenfresser omnivores Allesfresser carnivores Fleischfresser Answer key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. true – The text mentions that zebras belong to the horse family. false – The text states that zebras eat grass, leaves, and shrubs, not meat or fish. false – The text says predators like lions and hyenas hunt zebras, not just lions. true – The text says zebras live mostly in Africa. true – The text mentions that every zebra has unique stripe pattern. true – The text explains that foals (Fohlen) can walk shortly after birth. not mentioned – The text does not compare the running speed of zebras and lions. false – The text states that habitat loss and hunting are reasons zebras are endangered, not their eating habits.