Arbeitsblatt: Textverständnis über Tiger zusätzlich zu Young World 3, 6. Klasse, unit 2, fascinating animals, reading


Zusätzliches Textverständnis über Tiger mit Lösungen. Zusatzmaterial als Prüfungsvorbereitung zu Reading, Young World 3, 6. Klasse, unit 2, fascinating animals
Lesen / Literatur
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Markus Giger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Tigers: powerful hunters of the jungle Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. They are known for their orange fur (Fell) with black stripes, which helps them blend into their surroundings (Umgebung). This camouflage (Tarnung) makes it easier for tigers to hunt their prey (Beute), such as deer, wild boar, and other animals. There are also white tigers, though. Tigers are solitary animals, meaning they prefer to live and hunt alone rather than in groups. They are also excellent swimmers, unlike most cats, and can cross rivers to chase (jagen) prey or find new territories. Tigers are territorial animals and each tiger has its own area that it defends (verteidigt) from others. There are six subspecies of tigers, including the Bengal tiger, Siberian tiger, and Sumatran tiger. Sadly, tigers are an endangered (gefährdete) species. Habitat destruction and illegal hunting, also called poaching (Wildern), are the biggest threats (Bedrohungen) to their survival. Efforts are being made to protect (schützen) tigers through wildlife reserves and laws against poaching. True, false not mentioned (nicht erwähnt)? 1. Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. true false not mentioned 2. Tigers hunt in large groups. true false not mentioned 3. All tigers have orange fur with black stripes. true false not mentioned 4. Tigers can swim across rivers. true false not mentioned 5. Destruction is one reason why tigers are endangered. true false not mentioned 6. Tigers only eat plants. true false not mentioned 7. There are eight subspecies of tigers. true false not mentioned Answer Key 1. true – The text states that tigers are the largest members of the cat family. 2. false – The text mentions that tigers are solitary animals and prefer to hunt alone. 3. false – The text does not say all tigers are orange with black stripes; there are variations like white tigers. 4. true – The text explains that tigers are excellent swimmers and can cross rivers. 5. true – The text lists habitat destruction as reason tigers are endangered. 6. false – The text says tigers hunt animals like deer and wild boar, not plants. 7. false – The text says there are six subspecies of tigers, not eight.