Arbeitsblatt: Fascinating animal facts
Booklet for fluent and native speakers
for the new edition of Young World 4 (2021)
6. Schuljahr
13 Seiten
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Booklet for fluent and native speakers for the new edition of Young World 4 (2021) created by Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug This English booklet belongs to Class: Grade 6 Young World 4, Unit 2 Symbol Fascinating animal facts Grade 6 Explanation Listening Speaking Reading Writing Vocabulary Grammar Use pen or pencil Use scissors Use glue Open your Pupils Book at page Open your Activity Book at page Use the Audio CD Use computer Use dictionary PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 2 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Materials: Grade 6 Skills: 1. How animals travel Read the first three paragraphs about Emma, Lubo and Iwo. s_news/?355630/Let-Animals-Wander Use the dictionary if you dont understand keyword and to check your spelling. Answer the following questions in your own words: a) Why is it dangerous or impossible for those animals to migrate? b) What has the WWF done to improve the situation? PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 3 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Grade 6 PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 4 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Materials: Grade 6 Skills: 2. Why do animals migrate? a. Watch the following films about migration: a. b. c. Listen carefully and after watching each film, post comment about it in the boxes below (What was fascinating for you? Do you have any questions? Etc.). You can use sentences like: What found particularly interesting is the fact that. wonder if dont agree. Check the spelling in the dictionary or on and then share your thoughts with other pupils who have done this task, if there are any. a. PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 5 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Grade 6 b. c. PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 6 Young World 4, Unit 2 Materials: Fascinating animal facts P. 16-17 Grade 6 Skills: 3. Fact box for different animals Read the texts and find out what special things these animals can do on page 16 and 17 in your Pupils Book. Then match the fact boxes A, and to the animals. Now youll create two fact boxes for the two other animals. After that you will choose an animal and write text to that animal and then also create fact box. Finally, show your test and three fact boxes to your teacher. % # For your research you can use the following websites: Fact box D: Size: Weight: Food: Life expectancy: Special behaviour: PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 7 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Grade 6 Fact box E: Size: Weight: Food: Life expectancy: Enemies: Your text about an animal: PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 8 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Grade 6 Fact box F: Size: Weight: Food: Life expectancy: Enemies or Special behaviour: PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 9 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Materials: Grade 6 Skills: 4. Basic information about migration Read the text from the National Geographic and highlight keywords in yellow and highlight words you dont understand in green. After the article write down some of your words you didnt know and describe them with the help of dictionary. Source: Migration is pattern of behavior in which animals travel from one habitat to another in search of food, better conditions, or reproductive needs. There are two important factors that make migration different from other types of animal movement: First, migration happens seasonally, and second, migration involves return journey. This makes it different from emigration, when animals travel to find new, permanent place to live. Many animal species migrate, including species of fish, crustaceans, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and mammals. These animals might journey by land, sea, or air to reach their destination, often crossing vast distances and in large numbers. One of the main reasons animals migrate is to find food. In Tanzania, wildebeests, zebras and gazelles migrate in huge herds. They roam the Serengeti looking for fresh grass and water, which are hard to find during the dry season. Humpback whales migrate for food as well. In the summer, they travel to feeding grounds near the polar ice, where the water is full of krill and small fish. In the winter, they migrate back to warmer waters to raise their calves. Other animals migrate because of the climate or seasons. For example, monarch butterflies migrate to avoid cold temperatures in the winter. These butterflies cannot survive freezing temperatures, so they fly from Canada all the way to Mexico, where they gather to keep warm over winter. They make the return journey over many generations, stopping to lay eggs on milkweed plants along the way. PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 10 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Grade 6 The caterpillars eat the milkweed and then finish the journey as butterflies. Finally, some animals migrate for reproductive reasons: either to find mate, raise their young, or to spawn. For example, salmon start life in rivers and migrate to the sea to feed and grow. After spending up to seven years in the ocean, they migrate back to the rivers they were born in so that they can spawn. Christmas Island red crabs migrate for similar reasons. They spend most of their life in the forest but migrate to the ocean to reproduce. Recent improvements in technology have helped us understand migration better, but there is still lot we do not know. Scientists are not yet entirely sure how animals know where to go and when to leave, especially when they have never made the journey before. Some researchers suggest that these animals use mix of stimuli, such as sunlight, the Earths magnetic field, and chemical cues, to find their way. New words: Description: PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 11 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Grade 6 You read about reasons why animals migrate. Now two questions for you: Why do people migrate? Would you ever leave Switzerland? Why/Why not? Write down your thoughts and discuss them with other students who did the same activity or present them in front of your whole class. PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 12 Young World 4, Unit 2 Fascinating animal facts Grade 6 List of illustrations Cover page: Penguin Page 5/6: Profil Picture PH Zug, 4 August 2021: Angela Meier and Lea Bucher, students at PH Zug 13