Arbeitsblatt: Brüche
Berechnung von Bruchteilen
Brüche / Dezimalzahlen
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Landlord Me
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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MATHEMATICS: FRACTIONS if you need additional help please contact us at 1300 182 000 or visit our website Learning Objective: To calculate fractions of collection Represent each fraction by shading part of the group of objects. 3 of 36 6 3 of 24 4 1 of 32 4 3 of 30 5 1 of 24 4 3 of 32 4 You can start by finding 1 part of the collection e.g. find 1 6 before finding 3 6 Complete the questions below. What fraction of this collection is shaded? 4 6 8 2 1 3 What fraction of this collection is shaded? 4 12 3 7 1 2 What fraction of this collection is shaded? 1 2 1 3 Calculate the fraction. Calculate the fraction. Calculate the fraction. 1 of 48 4 1 of 32 8 1 of 21 3 3 6 MATHEMATICS: ANSWER SHEET if you need additional help please contact us at 1300 182 000 or visit our website Learning Objective: To calculate fractions of collection Represent each fraction by shading part of the group of objects. 3 of 36 6 3 of 24 4 1 of 32 4 3 of 30 5 1 of 24 4 3 of 32 4 You can start by finding 1 part of the collection e.g. find 1 6 before finding 3 6 Complete the questions below. What fraction of this collection is shaded? 4 6 8 2 1 3 What fraction of this collection is shaded? 4 12 3 7 1 2 What fraction of this collection is shaded? 1 2 1 3 3 6 Calculate the fraction. Calculate the fraction. Calculate the fraction. 1 of 48 4 1 of 32 8 1 of 21 3 12 4 7