Arbeitsblatt: New World 3.3 Vocabulary-Dossier


Überblick: Dieses Dossier dient als umfassende Sammlung von Vokabeln und Sprachübungen zum Lehrwerk "New World 3.3". Es richtet sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler der 7. Klasse Übungsaufgaben: Lückentext Zuordnungsübungen Übersetzungen mit Lösungen
7. Schuljahr
10 Seiten




Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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New World 3.3 Vocabulary 1. Translate the words and the phrases. german 1 2 3 4 5 6 english confident etwas falsch machen etwas richtig machen frustrated culture erstaunt 2. Write the correct English word into the gape. 1) We learn that every country has its own. 2) Unterschied She always says please and Thankyou: she is very . Kultur 3) Im so that youve come to my party! 4) What is there between Britain and Switzerland? 5) feel when they talk about football. 6) Without friends, everybody feels gelangweilt erfreut höflich einsam 3. Translate the sentences into the other language. 1) All is strange when you are in another country. 2) We have other customs as the people in Britain. 3) He is all alone but he doesnt care. 4) Das ist eine wunderbare Tasse Tee. 5) Meine Schwester antwortet nicht. 6) Er flucht, weil (because) er ein Problem hat. 1. Translate the words and the phrases. german 1 etwas richtig machen 2 3 gelangweilt 4 english difference do not care 2. Write the correct English word into the gape. 1. The are different in every country. antworten 2. You should to this email. Bräuche /Sitten 3. Many things are when you visit another country.- überrascht 4. Our teacher was. fremd/merkwürdig 3. Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. Some people swear all the time. 2. Without friends everybody feels lonely. 3. Sie ist sehr höflich. 4. Danke für diesen wunderbaren Tag. 4. Ask politely. (Frage höflich.) 1. Hilf mir! 2. Öffne das Fenster! 3. Gib mir das Buch! 1. Translate the words into German. 2. Translate the words into English. 3. Translate the following sentences. 1. Yes, agree, you did something wrong. 2. What lovely idea, Id love to join. 3. Whats up? Why are you feeling misunderstood? 4. Entschuldigung, sind Sie der Gastgeber (von of) dieser Party? 5. Die Verkäuferin schaut auf den Kunden herab. 4. Write correct sentence with the following words. section: behaviour:_ kind: Lösungen 1. Translate the words into German. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. polite – höflich confident – selbstbewusst reply – antworten disagree – nicht einverstanden sein widersprechen lonely – einsam bored – gelangweilt accept – akzeptieren annehmen advice – Rat invite – einladen apology – Entschuldigung 2. Translate the words into English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Brauch, Sitte – custom Lücke – gap Unterschied – difference bestellen – order frustriert – frustrated Gesundheit! – bless you Kellner – waiter Fremde/-r – stranger überrascht – surprised fluchen – swear 3. Here are the translations: 1. Yes, agree, you did something wrong. Ja, ich stimme zu, du hast etwas falsch gemacht. 2. What lovely idea, Id love to join. Was für eine schöne Idee, ich würde gerne mitmachen. 3. Whats up? Why are you feeling misunderstood? Was ist los? Warum fühlst du dich missverstanden? 4. Entschuldigung, sind Sie der Gastgeber (von of) dieser Party? Excuse me, are you the host of this party? 5. Die Verkäuferin schaut auf den Kunden herab. The saleswoman looks down on the customer. 4. Write correct sentence with the following words. section: This section of the book is very interesting. behaviour: Her behaviour was polite and friendly. kind: She is always kind to everyone. 1. Translation class vocabulary reply forbidden gap apology advice custom Kunde, Kundin sonderbar, merkwürdig Was ist los? Was gibt es Neues? höflich 2. Fill in the gaps! 1. Our new teacher was that we knew so much. 2. Why dont you your friend from England to your party? 3. She has good knowledge of many things and that makes her. 4. feel when they talk about football. 5. Some people all the time – they should use language! 6. My sister wants to go to England as an. 7. with you that its important to be . 8. Without friends, everybody feels . 9. She tried hard but she couldnt. 10. would like to the football club. Lösungen 1. Translation class vocabulary reply – antworten forbidden – verboten gap – Lücke apology – Entschuldigung advice – Rat custom – Brauch Sitte Kunde, Kundin – customer sonderbar, merkwürdig – strange peculiar Was ist los? Was gibt es Neues? – Whats up? Whats new? höflich – polite 2. Fill in the gaps! 1. Our new teacher was surprised that we knew so much. 2. Why dont you invite your friend from England to your party? 3. She has good knowledge of many things, and that makes her confident. 4. feel bored when they talk about football. 5. Some people swear all the time – they should use polite language! 6. My sister wants to go to England as an exchange student. 7. agree with you that its important to be polite. 8. Without friends, everybody feels lonely. 9. She tried hard, but she couldnt get something right. 10. would like to join the football club. Unterschie 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1. Write the correct English word into the gape. This is very different from ours. Kultur She is very and always says thank you. feel when am alone. gelangweil He gave me good for the exam. The between us is that like pizza, and she likes pasta. am that you helped me. erfreut 2. Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. feel frustrated when cannot understand. 2. They always reply politely to every question. 3. Ich bin überrascht, dass du das gemacht hast. 4. Wir haben einen großen Unterschied bemerkt. 5. The host made us feel very welcome. 6. Es ist verboten, in der Schule zu fluchen. 3. Choose three reactions for each of the situations. Write them in the speech bubbles. a) stranger offers to help you carry heavy bag. b) Your friend says, Im sorry, broke your pen. Lösungen 1. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Write the correct English word into the gape. This culture is very different from ours. She is very polite and always says thank you. feel lonely when am alone. He gave me good advice for the exam. The difference between us is that like pizza, and she likes pasta. am pleased that you helped me. 2. Translate the sentences into the other language. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Ich fühle mich frustriert, wenn ich nichts verstehen kann. Sie antworten immer höflich auf jede Frage. am surprised that you did this. We noticed big difference. Der Gastgeber hat uns sehr willkommen geheißen. It is forbidden to swear at school. Notice bemerken 3. Choose three reactions for each of the situations. Write them in the speech bubbles. stranger offers to help you carry heavy bag. Oh, thank you! Yes, please, thats very kind. Not to worry, Ive got it, but thank you. Your friend says, Im sorry, broke your pen. Oh, sorry! Its okay. Not to worry, its just pen. Thats all right, dont feel bad. 1. Choose three reactions for each of the situations. Write them in the speech bubbles. Situations: a) Your teacher says, Well done, you did great in the test. b) Someone asks, Could you show me how to do this? 2. Write the correct English word into the gape. 1) Every country has its own . antworten Bräuche /Sitten überrascht fremd/ 2) Can you to my question, please? 3) This food tastes to me. 4) He was when gave him gift. 3. Translate the following sentences. 1) feel frustrated when cant get something right. 2) He always replies quickly to my messages. 3) Das ist ein fremdes Land für mich. 4) Es ist verboten, hier zu essen. 5) This is the difference between us. 6) They welcomed me as their host. Lösungen 1. Choose three reactions for each of the situations. Write them in the speech bubbles Your teacher says, Well done, you did great in the test. Thank you so much! My pleasure. Thanks lot, that means lot to me! Your friend says, Im sorry, broke your pen. Oh, sorry! Its okay. Not to worry, its just pen. Thats all right, dont feel bad. 1) 2) 2. Write the correct English word into the gape. Every country has its own customs. (Bräuche Sitten) Can you reply to my question, please? (antworten) 3) 4) This food tastes strange to me. (fremd/merkwürdig) He was surprised when gave him gift. (überrascht) 3. Translate the following sentences. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Ich fühle mich frustriert, wenn ich etwas nicht richtig machen kann. Er antwortet immer schnell auf meine Nachrichten. This is strange country for me. It is forbidden to eat here. Das ist der Unterschied zwischen uns. Sie haben mich als ihren Gast willkommen geheißen