Arbeitsblatt: English Superlative/Comparison (English in Mind)


Topic "Sports"
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Grammar Vocabulary Test 11e Name: Sek Topic 2: Sports Date: Points: 1) Schreibe das gelernte Wort (auf Englisch) zur Definition /6 a) the measurement of someone from head to foot (noun) b) person who is very good at sports, someone who is trained in physical exercises (noun) c) having an illness, injury or condition that makes it difficult to do some things that other people do (adjective) d) synonym for being powerful or having great force/ physical power (like Hulk) (adjective) e) if you reach your goals or you win game, you are (adjective) f) to finish game with the same number of points as the other person or team (verb) 2) Ergänze die Sätze mit dem passenden Adverb. /5P Benutze dazu die Adjektive aus der Box. schön/ joli(e) selbstbewusst/sûr de soi einfach/ facile erfolgreich/réussi schnell/ rapide langsam/ lent(e) schwer/ difficile gut/bien schlecht/ mauvais nervös/ nerveux a) am going to win, he said. b) They won the match 2:0. The team played very. c) When she speaks to people, she always moves her hands very. d) My friend Tom has just won another gold medal. He completed another race. e) She got scared and ran away. f) The singer of the band sang very. g) They bought present for their mum and wrapped (einpacken) it . h) David won the first race. i) He walked back to the kitchen. j) He was breathing when he climbed the stairs. Grammar Vocabulary Test 11e Sek Topic 2: Sports 3) Adverb or Adjective? Fill in the gaps. /6 It was almost 12 oclock at night. Everything in the house was (quiet). Mrs Miller was in her bed upstairs. Suddenly, she heard (scary) sound. She listened (careful), but she only heard the cars outside in the street. Mrs Miller got (nervous). However, she tried (desperate) to sleep again. Then there was another sound, and something fell (loud) onto the floor downstairs. Mrs Miller opened her eyes (fast) and got out of bed. She opened the door (slow) and walked (quiet) downstairs. There she saw (bright) light under the kitchen door. Who there?! Then she heard soft voice: We couldnt sleep and we were so (hungry)! She was looking around and noticed that the two children who were sitting around her table were her daughter Helen and her son John. Take one last bite, clean the table and then go back to bed (fast)! 4) Vergleiche diese Boxerinnen. /5 Age Height Weight Boxing Titles Highest prize money Esmeralda Mariana Juarez Zulina Muñoz Moreno 29 years 1.58 meter 50 kg 35 10000 37 years 1.60 meters 53 kg 55 7000 30 years 1.67 meters 52 kg 51 12000 a) Write sentences using the superlative. Age: Height: b) Write sentences using the comparative. Weight: Moreno Juarez Success: Juarez Muñoz Prize money: Muñoz -Moreno