Arbeitsblatt: New World 3 - Unit 3 : Renia’s story (Part 1)


New World 3 - Unit 3 : Renia’s story (Part 1) Leseverständnis: Verstehen der Handlung und Hauptthemen Wortschatzarbeit (Emotionen, interkulturelle Begriffe) Fragen zum Text (True/False, Multiple Choice, Open Questions) Prüfungsvorbereitung: Typische Aufgabenformate wie Lückentexte, Fragen beantworten, Schreibaufgaben Lösung
Lesen / Literatur
7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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New World 3 Unit 3: Renias story (Part 1) Hier sind einige Tipps, wie du den Text gut verstehen und dich auf deine Prüfung vorbereiten kannst: 1. Lies den Text zuerst einmal komplett, ohne Stress. 2. Teile den Text in Abschnitte auf Erster Teil: Renia ist wütend und frustriert. Zweiter Teil: Sie hatte sich auf den Austausch gefreut, aber fühlt sich nun unwohl. Dritter Teil: Probleme mit dem Volleyballteam – die anderen denken, sie ist arrogant. Vierter Teil: Probleme in der Klasse – sie versteht nicht, warum die anderen sie nicht mögen. Fünfter Teil: Sie fühlt sich einsam, weil sie in der Schweiz viele Freunde hatte. Letzter Teil: Sie hört Musik und denkt nach. 3. Schwierige Wörter klären. Hier sind einige Wörter mit einfachen Erklärungen: flung warf forbidden word verbotenes Wort (Fluch) frustrated enttäuscht, frustriert honour Ehre arrogant eingebildet exchange programme Austauschprogramm loads of friends viele Freunde 4. Stelle dir selbst Fragen zum Text: Why is Renia angry? Why is Renia angry? She doesnt feel comfortable in England. Why do the others think she is arrogant? Why do the others think she is arrogant? Because she plays volleyball well and doesnt talk much with them. Why doesnt Renia understand the others? Why doesnt Renia understand the others? Because they behave differently than in Switzerland. What does Renia miss the most? What does Renia miss the most? Her friends from Switzerland. What does she do at the end? What does she do at the end? She listens to music and thinks. 4. Mache eine kurze Zusammenfassung. Versuche, den Text in 3-4 Sätzen zusammenzufassen: Renia ist als Austauschschülerin in England, fühlt sich aber unwohl. Die Mädchen im Volleyballteam und in der Klasse denken, sie sei arrogant. Sie versteht nicht, warum sie in der Schweiz viele Freunde hatte, aber hier nicht. Am Ende hört sie Musik und denkt darüber nach. 1. Entscheide, ob die Aussagen oder falsch (F) sind. Fallsbut falsch, korrigiere wahr Renia(T) is an exchange student in England feels uncomfortable. The girls in the volleyball team and her class think she is arrogant. sie. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) She doesnt understand why she had many friends in Switzerland but not here. In the end, she listens to music and thinks about it. Renia is happy to be in England. The girls in the volleyball team think Renia is friendly. Renias English grammar is bad. Renia has many friends in Switzerland. In the end, Renia listens to music and thinks about everything. 2. Ersetze die Lücken mit den richtigen Wörtern aus dem Text. 1. Renia was very after volleyball practice. 2. The other girls thought Renia was because she played well. 3. Renias biggest problem was that she felt in England. 4. She lay on her and buried her head in the . 5. In the end, she listened to her music. 3. Beantworte die Fragen mit vollständigen Sätzen. 1. Why is Renia frustrated? 2. What do the volleyball girls think about her? 3. Why does Renia feel lonely? 4. What does she do at the end of the text? 5. What is her main problem in England? 4. Die Sätze sind durcheinander. Bringe sie in die richtige Reihenfolge! a) She listens to her favorite music and thinks. b) Renia feels lonely in England. c) The volleyball girls think she is arrogant. d) She wanted to go to England, but now she wants to go home. e) She speaks good English but still has problems with people. 5. Wähle die richtige Antwort! 1. Why is Renia angry at the beginning? a) Because she lost her phone b) Because she doesnt feel understood c) Because she failed her English test 2. What do the volleyball girls think? a) Renia thinks she is better than them b) Renia wants to be their friend c) Renia is bad at volleyball 3. What is NOT problem for Renia? a) English grammar b) Making friends c) Understanding British behavior 4. What does Renia miss the most? a) Swiss food b) Her family and friends c) The English school system 5. What does Renia do at the end? a) She calls her parents to go home b) She listens to music and reflects c) She decides to change school Lösungen 1. Hier sind die richtigen Antworten: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. – Renia is not happy to be in England; she feels frustrated and lonely. – The girls in the volleyball team think Renia is arrogant, not friendly. – Renias English grammar is good, but she still has trouble fitting in. – Renia has many friends in Switzerland. – In the end, Renia listens to music and thinks about everything. 2. Hier sind die richtigen Antworten: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Renia was very frustrated after volleyball practice. The other girls thought Renia was arrogant because she played well. Renias biggest problem was that she felt lonely in England. She lay on her bed and buried her head in the pillow. In the end, she listened to her favourite music. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Renia is frustrated because she feels misunderstood. The volleyball girls think she is arrogant. Renia feels lonely because she has no friends. She listens to music and thinks. She has trouble making friends in England. 4. Hier ist die richtige Reihenfolge: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. d) She wanted to go to England, but now she wants to go home. b) Renia feels lonely in England. c) The volleyball girls think she is arrogant. e) She speaks good English but still has problems with people. a) She listens to her favorite music and thinks. 5. Hier sind die richtigen Antworten: 1. Why is Renia angry at the beginning? b) Because she doesnt feel understood 2. What do the volleyball girls think? a) Renia thinks she is better than them 3. What is NOT problem for Renia? a) English grammar 4. What does Renia miss the most? b) Her family and friends 5. What does Renia do at the end? b) She listens to music and reflects