Arbeitsblatt: New World 3 Unit 3 «Renia’s story»


Lernformen: Leseverstehen, Wortschatzarbeit eseverständnis: Fragen zum Text („True or False“) Wortschatzübungen: Lückentexte, Übersetzungen
Anderes Thema
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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New World 3 Unit 3 «Renias story» 1. Übersetze die Wörter ins Deutsche: 1. to look down on someone 2. loads of friends 3. to let thoughts wander 4. bummer 5. to blush 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. to fling to bury ones head to struggle knowledge to exclaim 2. Verwende die Wörter aus dem Text: frustrated, pleased, arrogant, lonely, exchange, wander, blush, lovely, sorry, look down on 1. Renia felt because she could not make friends. 2. The girls on the volleyball team thought Renia was. 3. In England, people often say ‘ when they drink tea. 4. Renia spoke good English, but she still felt . 5. When Robert looked at Renia, he began to. 6. Renia learned the new word ‘ and liked the sound of it. 7. People in Britain say ‘_ very often, even for small things. 8. At home, Renia had of friends, but in England, she felt alone. 9. In her dream, she let her thoughts. 10. The girls on the volleyball team thought Renia wanted to them. 3. True or False: Read the statements and decide if they are true or false. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Renia was happy and excited about her exchange trip to Britain. (True False) She had been in Britain for two weeks and wanted to stay longer. (True False) The girls on the volleyball team thought Renia was arrogant. (True False) Renia didnt understand the English language, which made communication difficult. (True False) In Britain, people say sorry very often, even for small things. (True False) Renia thought British people behaved like aliens from another planet. (True False) Robert told Renia that she always sounded happy and excited about everything. (True False) Renia decided to change her attitude and try to fit in better. (True False) At the end of the story, Renia still felt lonely and didnt want to stay in Britain. (True False) The story suggests that understanding cultural differences can help people feel more comfortable in new country. (True False) 4. Fülle die Lücken mit den richtigen Wörtern aus dem Text: 1. Renia was on an trip to Britain. 2. She had been there for weeks and wanted to go home. 3. The girls on the volleyball team thought she was. 4. In Britain, people say very often, even for small things. 5. Renia thought British people behaved like from another planet. 6. At the end of the story, she decided to her attitude and try to fit in. Lösungen 3. Here are the correct True or False answers based on the text: 1. Renia was happy and excited about her exchange trip to Britain. False (She was excited before going, but once there, she felt frustrated and wanted to go home.) 2. She had been in Britain for two weeks and wanted to stay longer. False (She had been in Britain for four weeks and wanted to go home.) 3. The girls on the volleyball team thought Renia was arrogant. True (They thought she looked down on them and was not pleased to be on the team.) 4. Renia didnt understand the English language, which made communication difficult. False (She spoke good English, but cultural misunderstandings were the problem.) 5. In Britain, people say sorry very often, even for small things. True (Renia noticed that British people apologize very frequently, even in everyday situations.) 6. Renia thought British people behaved like aliens from another planet. True (In her dream, she saw them as strange aliens through telescope.) 7. Robert told Renia that she always sounded happy and excited about everything. False (He said she usually sounded bored with everything they did.) 8. Renia decided to change her attitude and try to fit in better. True (She planned to express her feelings more and try to adjust to the British way of communication.) 9. At the end of the story, Renia still felt lonely and didnt want to stay in Britain. False (She started to feel better and decided to try harder to fit in.) 10. The story suggests that understanding cultural differences can help people feel more comfortable in new country. True (Renia realized that cultural misunderstandings were the main issue and decided to adapt.) 4. Hier sind die richtigen Wörter aus dem Text für die Lücken: 1. Renia was on an exchange trip to Britain. 2. She had been there for four weeks and wanted to go home. 3. The girls on the volleyball team thought she was arrogant. 4. In Britain, people say sorry very often, even for small things. 5. Renia thought British people behaved like aliens from another planet. 6. At the end of the story, she decided to change her attitude and try to fit in.