Arbeitsblatt: New World 3 Unit 3 «Renia’s story»


Vocabulary Work: (English-German) Renia’s Story vocabulary
Anderes Thema
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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New World 3 Unit 3 «Renias story» to throw oneself face down to bury ones head in pillow to fling something to struggle (to do sth.) to turn over to shake someone to look closely (at someone) Choose from: throw oneself face down – bury ones head – fling – struggle – turn over – shake – look closely 1. Renia was so angry that she onto her bed after throwing her sports bag. 2. Frustrated, she in the pillow and used forbidden word. 3. She didnt care about anything at that moment, so she her sports bag onto the bed. 4. She felt lonely and to make people see her as she really was. 5. After thinking for while, she onto her back and plugged in her music. 6. Robert her to wake her up when the tea was ready. 7. At the end of the story, Robert at Renia and realized she wasnt so bad after all. to use forbidden word to not care (about sth.) to exclaim How lovely! to find something funny/strange to say sorry too many times day to understand cultural differences Giving Advice to Renia Write at least three pieces of advice for Renia. Use expressions like: You should. Choose two adjectives and complete the sentences below. Renia is because she Renia isnt because she Finish the sentences. There is more than one possible answer. The girls on the volleyball team believe that Everybody in her host class thinks she is arrogant because