Arbeitsblatt: English sports
Questions about sports
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Judith Zumwald
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Why do people do sports? What is their motivation? Have you ever How do fans been to live support their team sports event? What in match? was it like? Would you like to be referee (Schiedsrichter)? Why why not? Would you like to be coach of team? Why why not? Are you interested in the WM? Why why not? Which sports are typical boysports? Why? Which sports are typical girlssports? Why? Are you fan of sportsman /sportswoman? Why /why not? What do you think about Hooligans? Which sports are dangerous? Why? What sports do you do in winter? Why do you like it? Do you prefer team sports or individual sports? Why? Would you like to be professional sportsman/ sportswoman? Why why not? Do you like extreme sports? Why why not? Which sports is an expensive sport? Why? Do you like boxing? Why why not? What is your favourite sport? Why? How often do you Which sports do Could you live do sports in your free time? you like watching on TV? Why? without sports? Is it important to do sports? Why why not? Which sports dont you like? Why not? Are you in club? Why why not? Which one? What sports do you do in summer? Why do you like it? Do you like competition? Why why not? Have you already been injured (verletzt) while doing sports? Is it important for you to win match? Or are you good looser? Do you like tournaments (Turniere)? Do you like your sports class in school? Why why not? Would you like to be famous sportsman/ sportswoman? Why why not? Have you already been to training What do you think camp? Tell about about it. If not, would you cheerleaders? like to go in such camp?