Arbeitsblatt: New World 3 Unit 4


New World 3 Unit 4: New World 3, Unit 4, New York, Englisch Stadtvokabular, Vokabeltraining, Arbeitsblätter Englisch Löungen
7. Schuljahr
8 Seiten




Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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1. Translate the words and the phrases. german 1 2 3 4 english tall Einkaufszentrum Ecke square 2. Write the correct English word into the gape. 1. There was large Stockwerke 2. The empire State Building has 102 Höhe 3. The of this building is amazing. 4. ask people for Menschenme 5. First we buy of the city. nge 6. Turn left at the. Kreuzung 3. Translate the sentences into the other language. Richtung 1. We sat down on bench in Central Park. 2. Every good thing has its downside. 3. Wolkenkratzer sind hohe Gebäude. 4. Viele Menschen leben in einem Vorort. Pro und Kontra, Vor- und Nachteile Bewohner(in) Sehenswürdigkeit Wolkenkratzer Parkplatz Innenstadt Kreuzung Parterre Wohnung Garten, Hinterhof Ferien Lift Lastwagen Handy Autobahn Trottoir Abfalleimer 1. Translate the words and the phrases. german english 1 2 3 4 hoch, gross Einkaufszentrum Ecke Platz tall mall corner square 2. Write the correct English word into the gape. storeys 1. There was large crowd. 2. The empire State Building has 102 storeys. 3. The height of this building is amazing. 4. ask people for direction. 3. Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. We sat down on bench in Central Park. Wir sassen auf einer Bank im Central Park. 2. Every good thing has its downside. Alles Gute hat seine Schattenseiten. 3. Wolkenkratzer sind hohe Gebäude. Skyscrapers are high buildings. 4. Viele Menschen leben in einem Vorort. Many people live in suburb. 1. Translate the words and the phrases. U-Bahn crossing map 6. Turn left at the crossing. german crowd direction 5. First we buy map of the city. 1 2 heigh english lorry 3 4 5 6 Handy pavement freeway Kreuzung 2. Write the correct English word into the gape. 1. The Manhattan skyline is famous for its. 2. There is next to the station. 3. You will find the information desk on the. 4. Nicks birthday party is in our . 5. like to visit the of Manhattan. 6. What are you plans for your? Sehenswürdigk eit Ferien Parterre Garten Hochhaus 3. Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. They live in beautiful flat not far from here. 2. In the city centre there are some nice restaurants. 3. Nimm den Lift für das Stockwerk (storey) ganz oben. 4. Der Abfalleimer ist wieder voll. Parkbank Gebäude bauen Übergang, (Strassen-)Kreuzung (Menschen-)Menge zerstören Richtung, Wegbeschreibung Höhe Wahrzeichen Freiheit 1. Translate the words and the phrases. 1 2 3 4 5 6 german english Lastwagen U-Bahn Handy Gehsteig, Trottoir Autobahn Kreuzung lorry subway, underground cellphone, mobile phone pavement freeway intersection, crossroads 2. Write the correct English word into the gape. 1. The Manhattan skyline is famous for its skyscrapers. 2. There is car park parking lot next to the station. Sehenswürdigkei 3. You will find the information desk on the first floor ground floor. Ferien 4. We have celebration in the garden yard. Parterre 5. like to visit the sights of Manhattan. Garten 6. What are you plans for your holiday vacation? Hochhaus 3. Translate the sentences into the other language. 1. They live in beautiful flat not far from here. Sie leben in einer schönen Wohnung nicht weit von hier. 2. In the city centre there are some nice restaurants. Im Stadtzentrum hat es ein paar schöne Restaurants. 3. Nimm den Lift für das Stockwerk (storey) ganz oben. Take the elevator/lift for the storey on the top. 4. Der Abfalleimer ist wieder voll. The rubbish bin is full again. 1. Write the correct English word from the box in the sentences. Pay attention to the endings. Vorort zerstören wohlha- Parterre Höhe Richtung, Ecke stören bend Wegbeschrei- (hier)Platz bung Handy Stockwerk Arbeitsweg Fussgänger(in) Lastwagen Wolken- vorziehen (hier) Sehenswürdig- Einkaufszent -rum Gebäude Karte, keit hoch Stadtplan kratzer 1. There are some great , big and small, in New York. 2. Some of the office blocks are very. 3. The Empire State Building has 102 . 4. The Manhattan skyline is famous for its. 5. You cant see all of the tourist if you only stay in New York for week. 6. New Yorkers are always ready to help and to give you. 7. Some people live in downtown New York, but millions more live in the . 8. There was fantastic deli on the of 6th Avenue and 48th Street. 9. Our hotel was in very famous in Manhattan. 10. The of the buildings amazed me – it was sometimes difficult to see the sky! 11. We went to big to spend our last dollars before we left to go home. 12. was happy to have on my cellphone, it was big help. 2. Complete this list of British American English words Handy Lift Taxi Innenstadt Trottoir Ferien Parterre U-Bahn Kreuzung Autobahn 3. Translations 1. Wir müssen an der Kreuzung links abbiegen um zum Hafen zu kommen. 2. Ich finde die Höhe dieses Gebäudes ziemlich erstaunlich. 3. In diesem Teil von New York sprechen viele Bewohner Spanisch. 4. Du solltest nicht auf dem Trottoir Velo fahren. 5. Please tell me what bothers you about this traffic. 6. Every good thing usually has its downside too. 4. Write the correct English word into the gape. 1. We got lost, so we looked at the . 2. This building has more than 50 . 3. The in front of the museum was very loud. Stockwerke Höhe 4. Be careful when you cross the . 5. love the view from here – the is incredible! 6. Could you please give me the right ? 5. Write the correct English word into the gape. 1. We parked our car in the before going shopping. 2. love walking through the when the flowers bloom. 3. In New York, you can see one impressive after another. 4. The reception is on the of the hotel. Sehenswürdigk eit 5. During our trip to Paris, we visited many beautiful . Ferien 6. What are your plans for the summer ? Parterre Pendelstrecke, Arbeitsweg Ecke Kehrseite, Schattenseite Fussgänger(in) vorziehen Vorort Garten Hochhaus Lösungen 1. Write the correct English word from the box in the sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. There are some great buildings, big and small, in New York. Some of the office blocks are very tall. The Empire State Building has 102 floors. The Manhattan skyline is famous for its skyscrapers. You cant see all of the tourist sights if you only stay in New York for week. New Yorkers are always ready to help and to give you directions. Some people live in downtown New York, but millions more live in the suburbs. There was fantastic deli on the corner of 6th Avenue and 48th Street. Our hotel was in very famous square in Manhattan. The height of the buildings amazed me – it was sometimes difficult to see the sky! We went to big mall to spend our last dollars before we left to go home. was happy to have map on my cellphone, it was big help. 2. Complete this list of British American English words 3. Translations