Arbeitsblatt: Revision Test B, Units 15-20, NSE1


Revision Test, Units 15-20, NSE1, Version B
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Ivan Bötschi
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Revision Test Units 15-20, Version Points: 44 22.5.06 Mark: Name: Unterschrift: 1. Erkläre den Unterschied (auf Deutsch) zwischen: drink wine and Im drinking wine? drink wine Im drinking wine /2 2. Present simple or present continuous: which is correct? Circle the correct version. Usually, am getting up get up at 6 oclock. Today the children are going go to school by bus. The sun is shining shines every day in summer in Spain. am looking look for my key now. /4 3. Write these sentences again and replace the underlined words with the pronouns. Do you know him? e.g. Do you know Georg? Do you think we can help Anna? Please phone my sister and me at about ten oclock, okay? Ask Mr and Mrs Davison. We can meet Tom at the bus station. /4 4. What are the people doing in these pictures? e.g. They are singing. /5 5. Form questions with the present continuous Claire write an e-mail? Teds daughters work? Berts wife sing? Rina read book? /4 20061002-180307Revision Test B, Units 15-20.doc IB 6. Write sentences about these people. usuallyo today now at the momento 1. Susan 2. John 3. Mark and Mary drink tea eat at home write to Sally drink coffee. eat in restaurant. phone her. 1. Susan usually drinks tea, but she is drinking coffee at the moment. 2. 3. /4 7. Complete Is the canton of Zurich (big) the canton of Grisons (Graubünden)? Which is (nice) town in Switzerland? Where is (old) Swiss university? Is the Rhine (long) the Limmat? /4 8. Compare the 4 pupils. How tall? How old? Claire 1.62 14 years 3 months Paul 1.64 14 years 5 months Elizabeth 1.56 14 years Jim 1.61 14 years 11 months old: Claire is Elizabeth. But Claire isnt Paul. Jim is of all of them. Tall: Elizabeth is girl. But Claire is Elizabeth. Even (sogar) Jim isnt Claire. But Paul is of all of them. /7 9. Form the comparative and the superlative heiss, heisser, schlecht, , teuer, ., . kalt, , /6 10. Vocabulary Translate: Write down 4 other school subjects: verkaufen: bleiben: wer: einladen: /4 20061002-180307Revision Test B, Units 15-20.doc IB