Arbeitsblatt: The Wrong Trousers - worksheet to the film


Listen and watch the first 5 minutes of the episode "The wrong trousers" of Wallace and Gromit with your class. First, don't show them the film, just have them listen and write down what they hear. Later, they can watch the scene and answer the questions on the worksheet.
Anderes Thema
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Katrin Dobesberger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

The Wrong Trousers Wallace and Gromit Listen very carefully you can hear these things. Match the nouns with the verbs. sleeping people birds paper train alarm clock rustle ring snore whistle chirp In the film, you can see these words in English. Leine (Hunde anleinen) Zimmer zu vermieten room to let Diamanten-Ausstellung diamond exhibition Answer the questions. What day is it? Its Gromits birthday, the of Does Gromit like his birthday presents? No, he doesnt. Wallace likes them, because he doesnt need to go for walkies anymore. Why is Gromit angry with Wallace? Wallace is very nice to the penguin. He forgets about Gromit. Gromit is jealous. The penguin is gangster. What animal does he dress up (verkleiden) as? As chicken. He uses rubber glove. What does Wallace do (What his job)? Hes an inventor.