Arbeitsblatt: New York City


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Katja Mayer
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

English Homework 15th – 19th September 08 Exercise 1 Choose the correct word for each space and write the text in your exercise book. Welcome to New York. New York is the (1) city in the USA. Most visitors to New York want to go(2) Manhattan, the center of New York City. You can see lot of skyscrapers there. New York City is shoppers paradise. Many tourists like to go to the famous department stores on Fifth Avenue. If you dont want to (3) anything, it is fun to window-shop. Central Park is the largest park in New York City. (4) are many things to do in the park: you can jog, bike, rollerblade or picnic. The most famous museum in New York City and one of the most famous (5) the world is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The (6) musicals are found near Broadway and Times Square. It is dream for many actors, actresses and musicians to work(7) Broadway. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) large in buys There over good into larger to bought Here on worst on largest on buy Them in best of Exercise 2 Translate the text Welcome to New York into German. Exercise 3 Find the words in the text for a. tourists b. tall buildings c. the American word for shops d. place with lot of trees in town e. woman who plays in movie or musical Exercise 4 You are visiting New York. Write an email to friend. Tell him her: • • • something about the town what you liked most (!!!!benutze in diesem Satz die Vergangenheit) about your plans for the evening (!!!!benutze in diesem Satz die Zukunftwill.) Write 30-40 words. Exercise 1 Welcome to New York. New York is the largest city in the USA. Most visitors to New York want to go to Manhattan, the center of New York City. You can see lot of skyscrapers there. New York City is shoppers paradise. Many tourists like to go to the famous department stores on Fifth Avenue. If you dont want to buy anything, it is fun to window-shop. Central Park is the largest park in New York City. There are many things to do in the park: you can jog, bike, rollerblade or picnic. The most famous museum in New York City and one of the most famous in the world is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The best musicals are found near Broadway and Times Square. It is dream for many actors, actresses and musicians to work on Broadway. Exercise 2 Willkommen in New York New York ist die größte Stadt der USA. Die meisten Besucher New Yorks wollen nach Manhattan, dem Zentrum von New York City. Du kannst dort viele Wolkenkratzer sehen. New York City ist ein Paradies für Einkäufer. Viele Touristen gehen in die berühmten Geschäfte in der Fifth Avenue. Wenn du nichts kaufen möchtest, macht es Spaß einen Schaufensterbummel zu machen. Der Central Park ist der größte Park in New York City. Man kann dort viele Sachen tun: joggen, Rad fahren, Inlineskaten oder picknicken. Das berühmteste Museum in New York City und eines der berühmtesten Museen der Welt ist das Metropoliten Kunstmuseum. Die besten Musicals findet man in der Nähe des Broadways und des Time Squares. Es ist ein Traum für viele Schauspieler, Schauspielerinnen und Musiker am Broadway zu arbeiten. Exercise 3 Find the words in the text for a. visitors b. skyscrapers c. department stores d. park e. actress Exercise 4 Dear. New York is have visited Tonight will go Have good time. See you.