Arbeitsblatt: The Little Things - Song


Colbie Caillat
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Thomas Inderbitzin
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

The Little Things – Colbie Caillat The things, you do to me are taking me over, wanna show ya everything of me like nervous heart that, is crazy im feeling stuck here, the pavement1 wanna free, wanna make it closer to your eyes, get your before you pass me by2 Back up3 back up take chance Dont you mess up4 mess up dont wanna lose you Wake up wake up this just thing that you Give up give up dont you say that Id be Better off better off, by myself 1 pavement: Fussweg pass somebody by: an jemandem vorübergehen 3 back up: sich zurückbewegen 4 mess up: etwas total falsch machen 2 and wonderin If im better off better off, you boy And every time, you notice me by holdin me , and sayin sweet things dont believe, that it be you speakin your mind and, sayin the real thing im feeling broke free, and am leavin im not gonna stand here, feelin but dont regret it and dont think it was just of time5 Dont just leave me hangin on. 5 of time: Zeitverschwendung