Arbeitsblatt: Song The Great Divide (Scott Stapp"


Gap Text
9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Thomas Inderbitzin
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Scott Stapp – The Great Divide have run to the through the h s d1 the sun Ive waited for the light to come, and at times would give up you have 2 wrapped your arms round me, and with your love Ill overcome3. you have loved me when was , you have unselfishly4, kept me from falling.falling everywhere but my ! you set me free! to live my life chase: verfolgen wrap: etwas umwickeln 3 overcome: überstehen 4 unselfishly: selbstlos 1 2 o y e s n o u r5v the e great divide6 you set me free! Ive been on heaven doorstep7, with the door open, One inside Ive cried out. God give me ! please hush8 child Ill tell you why you have loved me when you were weak, you have given unselfishly, kept you from falling.falling everywhere but your knees! Chorus Oh.our love is beautiful Oh.oo.oh.isnt this beautiful? times have but you remain my everything our love is beautiful by my side helped me survive the great divide isnt this Chorus survive: überleben divide: Trennung 7 doorstep: Türstufe 8 hush: pst! 5 6