Arbeitsblatt: water cyrcle
easy water cyrcle
Anderes Thema
4. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Beat Weber
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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The water cycle is the cycle water goes through on Earth. It makes the rain, clouds, and most of our weather. First, water on the earth is evaporated (Evaporation is when liquid becomes gas.) by the heat from the Sun. Excess (überschüssiges) water from plants are also absorbed into the atmosphere, (Luft) this process is called transpiration. Then, water collects as water vapor (Wasserdampf) in the sky. This makes clouds. Next, the water in the clouds gets cold. This makes it become liquid again. Then, the water falls from the sky as rain, snow, or hail (A piece of hail (called hailstone) is lump of ice that falls out of storm cloud. Because the air in clouds is colder than the air near the ground, hail can fall in the middle of summer. Hail usually falls during thunderstorms) in which is called precipitation. (Niederschlag) The water then collects into lakes or oceans. From there, it evaporates (verdampft) again and continues the cycle.