Arbeitsblatt: must or mustn't


S+S entscheiden, ob must, mustn't oder don't have to in die Lücke passt
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Marco Dörig
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Die Verbformen must, mustnt und dont have to Put he words in the correct order. 1) dont to to school go have week. They next 2) The mustnt the road. Children play near 3) clothes. You smart wear must 4) smoke in cinema. We the mustnt 5) get to US. The travel Canadians to have dont visa to the Fill in the gaps with either must or mustnt. 1) Can go out mummy? – No, you you do your homework. 2) The doctor says stay in bed till my temperature falls. 3) Tony got bad cold, so he swim today. 4) Can turn on my radio? – No, you , everybody sleeping? 5) Can go to the cinema? – Yes, but you get home before ten. 6) You cross the street when the light is red. Underline the correct form. 1) It is forbidden. You dont have to must not do that. 2) Help yourself to anything you want. You dont have to must not ask. 3) Ill tell you secret. You dont have to must not tell anybody else. Promise? 4) like Saturdays because dont have to must not go to school. 5) In athletics, you dont have to must not start before the gun is fired.