Arbeitsblatt: Another Day In Paradise


Leadsheet und Drumpattern, auf separatem Blatt habe ich auch noch die Klavierpattern für Intro, Chorus und Zwischespiel notiert
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Erich Strehler
Wehntalerstrasse 489
8046 Zürich
043 299 01 33
076 503 60 90
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Another Day In Paradise Verse 1 Am7 Dm7 Am7 to the man Am7 on the street: „Sir, Dm7 Dm7 Am7 3 Dm7 me? does n‘t look back, Am7 s‘there some where you can tell He walks on, me? where to sleep, Am7 can you help Am7 Its cold and I‘ve no She calls out Phil Collins arr. E. Strehler He pre tends he can‘t hear Am7 her, starts to whist le as he cros ses the street, seems embar ras sed to be there. Chorus Am G/A Oh, F/A think twice, Am G/A ‘cause its an oth er day for you and me in G/A F/A Am7 par dise. Am Oh, think twice, ‘cause its an oth er day for you you and me in par dise. Verse 2 Am7 Dm7 She calls out to the man Am7 She‘s got blis ters on the soles on the street. Dm7 of her feet, Am7 He can see she‘s been cry Am7 ing, she can‘t walk but she‘s try ing. 2 Bridge Fingersnap G/B Oh, Oh, Am G/B Lord, is there noth ing more an bod Am Lord, can there must be some thing you do. can say. Verse 3 Am7 You can tell from the lines Am7 Dm7 on her face, Dm7 Am7 You can see that she‘s been Am7 Prob bly been moved on from ev ry place, Outro ‘cos she did just think bout oth er day n‘t fit in for you there, 3 it and me in there. nur 2. It just an pa ra dise Intro/Zwischenspiel/Outro Am7 Form: Intro mit Choruspattern Verse 1 Chorus Zwischenspiel Verse 2 Chorus Zwischenspiel Bridge Verse 3 Chorus 3 Zwischenspiel Melodie Zwischenspiel mit Chorustext Dm7 Am7 Dm7 Drumset Intro Verse/Zwischenspiel/Outro Chorus/Bridge