Arbeitsblatt: test u 4 nse1


test unit 4 nonstop english 1
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Andrea Berg
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test E; unit 4 1. 3.8.2009 name: /46 Read the dialogue and find the names 6 Lies den Dialog durch und fülle dann den Stammbaum von Nella aus. A: How many brothers have you got, Nella? N: None, but Ive got sister called Sandy. A: Ok, fine. And how many cousins have you got? N: Ive got two cousins Clark and Angela. A: And how many aunts have you got? N: Ive got only one aunt called Ida. She my father sister. A: So, have you got three uncles? N: No, Ive got only two uncles. Ida husband Freddy and my mother brother Pablo. 2. Write 5 sentences about your own family 10 Schreibe 5 Sätze über deine Famile 3. Write down your phone number 10 Notiere deine eigene Telefonnummer in Zahlen und schreibe dann die Zahlen auf Englisch in Worten. 4. 5. Schreibe in der Mehrzahl: eg 1 car (2) cars 1 chair (4) 1 man (6) 1 baby (5) 1 book (8) 1 child (9) 1 woman (7) 1 watch (2) 1 secretary(3) Setze das Verb „have got richtig ein. Benutze die „short form: 8 3.5 a) Anne got big family No, she She got one sister, but she got brother. b) Pats mother and father got car No, they but Pats uncle got very big car. 6. Setze das Verb „to be richtig ein. Benutze die „short form: 3.5 a) you from Italy No from Spain, but my mother Italian. b) Where the summer camp it in Scotland No, it. It in Wales. 7. Setze das Verb „can richtig ein. Benutze die „short form: 2 goldfish fly, but it swim. you swim Yes,. 8. Konjugiere das Verb „to be in allen Personalformen verneint eg. ich bin nicht, du bist nicht (but in English of course!) 3