Arbeitsblatt: Hotline Elementary U9


9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




zep (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Name: Points: /68 Test Unit 9, Hotline Elementary, 30 April 2009 Vocabulary im Ausland 1 Jeremy lernte Ski fahren. 3 Vor zwei Jahren wurde die Fabrik geschlossen (st illgelegt) 3 Andy war noch nie in London. 2 Sie bekommt ein Geschenk. 2 Hast du je einen Wettbewerb gewonnen? 3 Er erreicht den Bauernhof. (_/16) 2 Describe in your English words experience moustache furniture bin unpack (_/10) John is going on holiday to Turkey. Look at his list. Write what he has done () and what he hasnt done (-). Visit the Turkish Tourist Office Get the ickets – Collect the visas Buy film for the camera – Write to Mary and Fred in Turkey Change some money a. b. c. d. e. f. (_/12) Make questions with these cues. Use the present perfect. a. you see my new jeans? b. the rain Stop? c. where Liz and Ann go? d. (_/8) what CD you buy? Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets, using the present perfect or the past simple. A: Last night we (go) to see „Fast and Furious at the cinema. B: Oh, how (be) it? You know, (not see) it so far. A: Well, you really should go and see it, there (never be) better film! B: You must be joking. Obviously, you (not hear) about „Indiana Jones 39 yet. A: No, youre wrong. (see) that stupid movie just three months ago. (waste) two hours of my life on that film! (_/7) Write 5 sentences about your holidays. 1 sentenceat least 4 words. (_/15)