Arbeitsblatt: LZK File 6


Lernzielkontrolle File 6
Anderes Thema
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Corina Morscher
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

New English File pre-intermediate GU 9 Listening comprehension File 6 Name: . Date: . friend in need 1. Look at the adjectives underneath the pictures of the two friends on the telephone. Make sure you understand them. Then listen to the conversation between Elaine and Sophie and write behind the adjectives the name of the person who matches best to its meaning (E for Elaine, for Sophie). 12p. excited shocked curious supportive worried inconsiderate unsure pressurised optimistic impatient not listening 2. You are going to hear the conversation second time. Now give reasons or quotations (Zitate) in German why you match this adjective to this person. 12p. adjective person reason, quotations possible points worried 4 shocked optimistic 1 3 excited 4 English GU9 Zr/Kü 31.08.2009 New English File pre-intermediate GU 9 Listening comprehension File 6 English GU9 Zr/Kü 31.08.2009 Name: . Date: . New English File pre-intermediate GU 9 Listening comprehension File 6 English GU9 Zr/Kü 31.08.2009 Name: . Date: .