Arbeitsblatt: Test Unit 5, 6 NSE 1
Grammatiktest zum Non Stop English, Units 5 und 6
7. Schuljahr
5 Seiten
Miriam Reut
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Test Unit Max. Points Points Date Mark Name Signature 45 Selbsteinschätzung Lies den Text und korrigiere die folgenden Sätze wie im Beispiel. Susan and his father, Jim, are in Boston. They are at the theatre. 4P. Susan: What time is the play, please? Lady: 3 oclock and 8 oclock, madam. Susan: 3 oclock? Thats good. Can have three tickets for 3 oclock, please? Lady: £5, £8 or £10? Susan: Erm . £8, please. Lady: OK, here you are – thats £24, please. Susan: Thank you. e.g. Susans in London today. No, she isnt, shes in Boston. a) Susans with her husband. b) Susan and her father are at the cinema. c) Their tickets are £6. d) The play is at 5 oclock. Zähle die Dinge und schreibe einen Satz dazu. 3P. Fülle die Lücken mit den richtigen Wörtern. Marys Mutter ist Deutsche und ihr Vater kommt aus England. Mary spricht zudem noch spanisch. 10P. names Mary and from Birmingham. mothers and fathers . two sisters, but she brother. speak , because mothers speak but she speak or . She in London today, in Birmingham with friends. Setze die richtigen Possesivpronomen ein. Im student, and this is school. 6P. Youre student. Where is classroom? That man is teacher. What is . name? The woman is mother. Whats name? We are at school. This is . classroom. The children are in the garden. It is garden. Was bedeutet die Endung ‘s in den folgenden Sätzen e.g. Bills with his mother is Johns got wife called Suzie. Maggies Carolines new friend. Marcs brothers are in Wales. Bills got Pauls books. 4P. Write the following numbers: e.g. 1 one 4P. 2 3 8 12 13 15 19 20 Correct the following mistakes! 7P. e.g. Susan and his brother her Susan and her brother is from Belfast. Theyre mother and father is in Dublin – they has got an house in the centre. Susan havnt got hous – he is student. Susans brother called John and their English teacher. John and their wife has got fuor childs. Translate the following words. 7P. Brief Brieffreund(in) anders Hobbys kurz Küsse wenig 6 Jahre alt 7 Pfund pro Billett Schauspiel, Theaterstück Wann beginnt der Film, bitte? Fünf Uhr liebe Grüsse Musik hören