Arbeitsblatt: History of Northern Ireland


Powerpoint Präsentation in Englisch zur Geschichte Nordirlands
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12. Schuljahr
15 Seiten




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Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Northern Ireland The Troubles des Untertitelmasters durch Klicken Formatvorlage bearbeiten 12.02.10 12.02.10 Early History 12th century: Ireland partly conquered by British 14th 15th century: British lose most of Ireland 16th century: British (Protestant) colonisation 12.02.10 19th cenutury 1801: Act of Union, British troops stationed 1880: Unionists North Norther Unionist industrial 12.02.10 Southern Nationalist vsNationalists South agricultural Conservativ UK government Towards Partition 1912 3rd Home Rule Bill 1916: Easter Rising (IRA) Executions internment 1919-1921: War of Independence (Guerilla IRA against British army) 12.02.10 The two Blocks • Unionists vs Nationalists (union with UK) state) Protestants Catholics Orange Order UVF majority in NI minority in 12.02.10 (one Irish Sinn Fein IRA minority in NI majority in The Religious Groups 12.02.10 Northern Ireland Stormont Parliament in NI: Catholics refuse to join Unfair voting districts Laws discriminating against Catholics (jobs, housing) 12.02.10 County of Londonderry Electoral Districts 1967 North Ward: 3,946 Protestants 2,530 Catholics 8 Unionist seats Waterside: 3,697 Protestants 1,852 Catholics 4 Unionist seats 12.02.10 The Troubles 1 1956 – 1962: IRAs border campaign: failure 1964: Campaign for Social Justice 1966: UVF under Paisley declares war on IRA 12.02.10 12.02.10 The Troubles 2 1969, 14th August: British troops in Derry !!to protect Catholics!! Reports on RUC (police), Specials abolished UDR (Ulster Defence Regiment) 12.02.10 Internment without trial 1971: Bloody Sunday 12.02.10 The Troubles 70ies and 80ies Suningdale ‘experiment: sharing power But: failed Terrorism: not political, but criminal Police instead of army IRA: regular prisoners 12.02.10 Hunger Strikes in prison 12.02.10 The Hunger Strikes and Margaret Thatcher Bobby Sands elected as MP during hunger strike Mrs Thatcher not moved: Crime is crime is crime! Sand dies 12.02.10 80ies and 90ies IRA bombings also in UK Failed attempt at power sharing 1994: IRA cease fire 1996: end of cease fire 1997: IRA cease fire 12.02.10 New Century 1999, December: new parliament 2000, February: new parliament suspended because IRA did do not disarm direct rule 2000, June: Home Rule 12.02.10 Summit meeting, March 2007 Gerry Adams Sinn Fein Party Rev. Ian Paisley Democratic Unionist 2007, May: new parliament 12.02.10