Arbeitsblatt: Australia


Text about Australia
Lesen / Literatur
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Iris Claude

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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NSS, unit 5 Australia Australia is sometimes called „the land down under because it is in the southern part of the world. It is the largest island in the world. There are many deserts in Australia. The weather is hot and dry. When it is summer in Europe it is winter in Australia. Winter is from May to September. In winter there are many storms on the coasts. On the northwest coast these hurricanes are called „willy-willys. Aborigines are the people who first lived in Australia. British people started to settle there about 250 years ago. They were prisoners transported in chains from Britain. But after gold was discovered in the 1850s, thousands of free settlers left the cold, dark industrial towns of Britain to find their place in the sun. part: Teil large: gross desert: Wüste coast: Küste settle: sich niederlassen. about: etwa, ungefähr prisoner: Gefangener chain: Kette discover: entdecken percent: Prozent origin: Ursprung few examples of Australian English: Gday: Hello tinnie: can of beer Pom: someone of Britain barbie: barbecue this arvo: this afternoon station: farm Und was heißt wohl: Ow-ya-goin-orright? Today more than 18 million people live in Australia. Over eighty percent of the todays population is of British origin. Other immigrants have come from countries such as Italy, Greece and Poland, or from Asian countries. Colour the flag. You need blue and red pencil. Austria Österreich Australia Australien The four seasons: ic, fev. 2010 NSS, unit 5 TRANSLATE: 1. Wir wohnen im südlichen Teil des Landes. . 2. Ist es eine große Insel oder ein Kontinent? . 3. Es hat viele Stürme an der Küste. . . 4. Die Siedler kommen aus Griechenland . 5. Kommen Sie aus Polen? . 6. Sie kommt nicht aus Australien. . 7. Ich denke, sie kommen aus einem asiatischen Land. . 8. Hast du deinen Platz an der Sonne gefunden?. . ic, fev. 2010