Arbeitsblatt: Present simple, present continuos, going-to-future


Anhand des Textes in Student's Book, S. 86 den Present simple, Present continuos, going-to-future, üben. Lückentext.
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Bartolome Tscharner
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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An overnight success on the catwalk Wendy Lowe (report, present simple) on the story which (make, present continuos) headlines in Milan. Everyone (talk, present continuous) about supermodel, Silvia Alberti. She (be, present simple) beautiful girl, (say, present simple) her agent. She (to be, future) great model. Silvia (come, present simple) from Brazil. She (be, present simple) one metre 78 tall, with long, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. And she (be, present simple) only thirteen. At the moment Silvia (be, present simple) in Milan. It (be, present simple) her school holidays and she (do, future) some modelling in Italy for month. Her mother and her sister (be, present simple) with her. They (be, present simple) her chaperones. The photographers (love, present simple) Silvia because she (be, present simple) young and because she (be, present simple) new. The modelling business (look always, present continuous) for someone new. But Sarah Davidson of Flair model agency (think, present simple) that modelling (be, present simple) not secure career for young girl. Sarah (say, present simple) about her own sixteen-year-old daughter: Modelling? Absolutely not! She (stay, future) at school, take her A-level examinations and then go to university. Snapshot Starter, Unit 14, page 86, An overnight success on the catwalk