Arbeitsblatt: exercise
some any
2. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
johanna mayrhofer
Land: Österreich
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
EXERCISES NAME SOME ANY SOMEONE SOMEBODY SOMETHING SOMEWHERE Ich kann es! ANYONE ANYBODY/ ANYTHING ANYWHERE Ich kann es noch nicht! Im allgemeinen verwenden wir SOME in positiven Sätzen und ANY in negativen Sätzen! Es gibt aber Ausnahmen She is lazy. He never does a work. You never so homework. Die Bedeutung ist negativ: He left home without a_ money. She refused to say a.She didnt say . Grundsätzlich nach IF-Sätzen, oder die Sätze haben die Bedeutung von IF (wenn, falls) und in Fragen: If letters arrive for me, can you send them to this address? If you need, just ask. Buy s pears, if you see . who wants to do the examination must give me their names before Friday. (-if there ist anyone who If a has a questions, Ill be pleased to answer them. have you got coins Has seen my English-book? KEIN ANY; WENN „JA ALS ANTWORT ERWARTET WIRD Whats wrong with your eye? have you got s in it? (Ich erwarte „ja) KEIN ANY; WENN WIR DINGE ANBIETEN ODER NACH IHNEN FRAGEN Would you like s_ coke? Can have of those chips? Would you like more Pizza? Can you give me information about places to see in Marchtrenk. IN DER BEDEUTUNG VON: es macht nichts welcher, wer, was wo (irgendwelcher; irgendwas,.) You can catch of these buses. Come and see time you want. We left the door unlocked A could have come in. Id rather go a_ than stay at home during my holidays. Which song shall sing? song. dont mind. Is a in the cupboard? S has spilt their(his or her )tea on the floor This is No Parking area. A who parks their car here will have to pay fine.