Arbeitsblatt: Songtext If I had a million dollars


Songtext If I had a million dollars by Barenaked Ladies mit Lücken und Lösungen
2 Seiten




Anja Gadient
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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If had million dollars by Barenaked Ladies If 1,000,000 (If 1,000,000) Id you house I would you house) If had 1,000,000 (If 1,000,000) Id buy you for your house maybe nice chesterfield or an ottoman) If 1,000,000 (If 1,000,000) Id buy you Kcar a nice reliant automobile) If 1,000,000, Id buy you If 1,000,000 Id treefort in our yard If 1,000,000 You could help it wouldnt be that hard If 1,000,000 Maybe we could put refrigerator in there Wouldnt that be fabulous! If 1,000,000 (If 1,000,000) you fur coat( but not real fur coat that cruel) If 1,000,000 (If 1,000,000) Id you an exotic pet(like llama or an emu) If 1,000,000 (If 1,000,000) Id but you John Merick remains (All them crazy elephant bones) If 1,000,000 Id buy your If 1,000,000 We wouldnt have to walk to the store If 1,000,000 Wed take limousine cause it costs more If 1,000,000 We wouldnt have to eat Kraft dinner If 1,000,000 (If 1,000,000) id buy you green dress but not real green dress that cruel) If 1,000,000 (If 1,000,000) Id buy you some art A Picasso or Garfunkel) If 1,000,000 (If 1,000,000) Id buy you monkey (havent you always wanted monkey?) If 1,000,000 If 1,000,000 If 1,000,000 If 1,000,000 Id be RICH! If had million dollars by Barenaked Ladies If had 1,000,000 (If had 1,000,000) Id but you house I would buy you house) If had 1,000,000 (If had 1,000,000) Id buy you furniture for your house maybe nice chesterfield or an ottoman) If had 1,000,000 (If had 1,000,000) Id but you Kcar a nice reliant automobile) If had 1,000,000, Id buy you love If had 1,000,000 Id build treefort in our yard If had 1,000,000 You could help it wouldnt be that hard If had 1,000,000 Maybe we could put refrigerator in there Wouldnt that be fabulous! If had 1,000,000 (If had 1,000,000) but you fur coat( but not real fur coat that cruel) If had 1,000,000 (If had 1,000,000) Id buy you an exotic pet(like llama or an emu) If had 1,000,000 (If had 1,000,000) Id but you John Merick remains (All them crazy elephant bones) If had 1,000,000 Id buy your love If had 1,000,000 We wouldnt have to walk to the store If had 1,000,000 Wed take limousine cause it costs more If had 1,000,000 We wouldnt have to eat Kraft dinner If had 1,000,000 (If had 1,000,000) id but you green dress but not real green dress that cruel) If had 1,000,000 (If had 1,000,000) Id but you some art A Picasso or Garfunkel) If had 1,000,000 (If had 1,000,000) Id buy you monkey (havent you always wanted monkey?) If had 1,000,000 If had 1,000,000 If had 1,000,000 If had 1,000,000 Id be RICH!