Arbeitsblatt: Job
Jobs ihren Beschreibungen zuordnen. Lösungen im Anhang
6. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Martina Giger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Job descriptions Level 2 Setze die untenstehenden Teile der Job description zum richtigen Satz zusammen. Achtung die Teile sind durcheinander geraten! Schreibe die richtigen Sätze auf ein liniertes Blatt. Beispiel: librarian to help you to find book librarian helps you to find book. Hilfe: Färbe die zusammengehörenden Teile in der gleichen Farbe ein. chef to sing meat. baker to cook or plays an instrument. butcher to work after sick and injured people. an electrician to feed tasty bread. plumber to like walls. musician to look for his guests. an elementary school teacher a teacher nurse dentist to design to work and sews clothes. waiter a waitress to bake with wires and other electricity. your hair. an actress to look and cares for animals. lawyer hairdresser bricklayer dressmaker gardener to sell people. to serve to cut To look to defend to build and repairs things in the kitchen or the bathroom. to be on stage. buildings. with children. people in restaurant. farmer to design after parks and gardens. an architect to install after your teeth. Solutions Level 2 chef cooks for his guests baker bakes tasty bread. butcher sells meat. An electrician works with wires and other electricity. plumber installs and repairs things in the kitchen or in the bathroom. musician sings or plays an instrument. teacher works with children. nurse looks after sick and injured people. dentist looks after your teeth. waiter waitress serves people in restaurant. An actress likes to be on stage. lawyer defends people. hairdresser cuts your hair. bricklayer builds walls. dressmaker designs and sews clothes. gardener looks after parks and gardens. farmer feeds and cares for animals. An architect designs buildings.