Arbeitsblatt: Active/Passive


Umformen vom Acctive ins Passive in verschiedene Zeitformen
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Anja Gadient
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Active/ Passive Write the sentences in passive in the same tense. A. Present Simple 1. clean the house. 2. You invite her to the party. 3. They make butter from milk. 4. finish school in November. 5. You steal car. B. Past Simple 1. They built some new houses. 2. We cleaned the apartment yesterday. 3. They invited us to the party. 4. You wrote letter yesterday. 5. We played football yesterday. C. Present Perfect 1. We have cleaned the house. 2. You have shown the new picture. 3. have invited them to the party. 4. They have given an advice. 5. have phoned her. D. Will Future 1. will hit you. 2. They will call you. 3. think you will invite them to the party. 4. You will light the firework. 5. We will clean the house.