Arbeitsblatt: Young World 2 - Vocabulary Unit 2


Grundwortschatz der Unit 2 des Lehrmittels Young World 2
4. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Punzel (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

YOUNG WORLD 2: VOCABULARY UNIT 2 butcher butchers The butcher sells meat at the butchers. sausages buy sausages at the butchers. postman post office The postman works at the post office. deliver letters The postman delivers letters. doctor hospital The doctor works at the hospital. policeman police station The policeman works at the police station. waitress serves The waitress serves cakes. taxi driver drives The taxi driver drives car. teacher school The teacher works at the school. baker bakery The baker makes bread at the bakery. shop assistant supermarket The shop assistant works at the supermarket. cook cook works in kitchen. railway station The train leaves the railway station. fire station fire station church In church you can see cross. cinema go to the cinema. milk The milk is from cow. flowers like the colourful flowers. turn right At the end you turn right. turn left Then you turn left. walk straight on Walk straight on. There is the station. country The country is quiet. city New York is loud city. town Winterthur is nice town. village Baltenswil is village.