Arbeitsblatt: Gap Fill und Cartoon


Gap Fill und Cartoon
Gemischte Themen
12. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Eckhard Linnenkohl
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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1. Stegreifaufgabe aus dem Fach Englisch NAME: BE NOTEN PUNKTE: I. GAP FILL 12 credits Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form word that fits in the space in the same line. Recognizing and potentially controlling air rage require an understanding of the factors surrounding these. INCIDENTALLY Extreme by unruly passengers, often called air rage, MISBEHAVE can lead to anxious moments in the air and puts crew members and passengers at risk. DOMINATE Population is not factor in this area. theyre on. In 40 percent of the 152 cases NASA studied, pilots ANALYZE either left the cockpit or were interrupted from their routine by flight attendants seeking help. There is not single example in the world of wind farm, on land or offshore, that haslocal tourism. HARMFUL Philip Island, the second largest island of the, is located several TERRITORIAL kilometres south of the main island. The interrelationships between war and tourism have been minimally investigated, but the literature to date indicates that war negatively tourism. Tourism business isas consumer confidence grows, and the industry is poised for growth Survey results indicated that advertising isthe most important strategy for the growth and development of tourism. Targeted marketing programs geared for specific travel regions of the state are also seen as an important way to attract . Minnesota tourism industry is at key point in its future, and needs to position itself to take full advantage of the recovering economy and of the new trends in the travel marketplace. Most environmental principles such as development or the precautionary principle have the effect of preserving the advantages of the West. AFFECTIVE IMPROVEMENT CONSIDERABLE TRAVELING DEVELOP SUSTAINABILITY II. Match the travelers questions with 5 suitable answers of the Washington Posts Travel Section Flight Crew. 5 credits (1) Im flying back from Mexico on Tuesday evening in January through Atlanta Hartsfield, but have only an hour and half there for the connection to my next flight. Do you think it actually possible to make the connection in time? (2) Ive never been to the Carribean. Given that Ill be going in high season, am going to find better deal on airfare? (3) Any reports from New Orleans? Have people found the touristy areas are back in business? Anything to be aware of if traveling there in late December? (4) have friend who works part-time as what he calls luggage gorilla to earn free flights for his family. The work is backbreaking and pressure-driven. They dont get time to sneeze, let alone rummage in people bags. Who is crooked?_ (5) With dozen or so friends, were going out to Rock Creek Park, where we plan to set up volleyball net, fire up at least three grills, and reconnect with each other after long summer of travel that has kept us all too busy to see one another. It not travel, but it pretty good alternative! (A) The problem is in the surrounding neighborhoods. think things are getting better, but they are having an increasing problem with crime. (B) Onboard, Im sure (well, hope) an attendant could get you little glass of water before takeoff to take pill if you explained the situation. (C Well, hate to disillusion you, but there have been plenty of news stories about baggage handler burglary rings. (D) To breeze through customs, be sure you have no produce or other banned products and that all of your paperwork is completely filled out. (E) Check on accommodations before you book, though, since prices might be more expensive than you bargained for .(F) Ill bring the potato salad.(G) Blocks of cheese can look like explosive devices. Same with jars of peanut butter or stacked books. III. Describe the following cartoon and its message in about 80 words. 9 credits Good luck! Total: 26 credits