Arbeitsblatt: Test Young World 2 Unit 3
Lernzielüberprüfung für den Abschluss der Unit
4. Schuljahr
4 Seiten
Rahel Krähenmann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
English Test Unit 3 Name: 1. Translate these words! Farbe Kreis gelb triangle artist dark 2. Colours and shapes: Draw the shape! yellow triangle: red square: blue rectangle: green circle: 3. Make sentence with the adjective of the colour. Example: blue: The sky is blue. red: violet: brown: green: white: 4. Read and draw! brown circle in the top left square. violet triangle in the middle at the bottom. blue square in the middle. red rectangle in the middle on the right. black shoe on the left at the bottom. green flower in the middle at the top. yellow banana on the right at the bottom. green apple on the right at the top. yellow sun on the left in the middle. top left bottom left top middle bottom middle 5. Make cluster for the colour red! top right bottom right as red as 6. Translate these sentences! Chameleons can change the colour of their skin. The earth is called the the blue planet. The night is black and dark.