Arbeitsblatt: open conditional


open conditional with "if" and "when" Zum Lehrmittel "Inspiration"
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Claudia Epp
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Open conditional with if and when About Carol: 1. When Carol is on her own, she gets 2. Carol doesnt like it when people tell her 3. If Carol likes boy, she is About you: 1. When am on my own, like to_. 2. When get some money of my parents,. 3. If walk in room full with people dont know, feel . 4. If Im afraid of something,. 5. When buy clothes, usually choose the color 6. If have lot of homework to do, . 7. Im very happy when . 8. When Im angry, say. 9. feel good, if. 10. dont like it, when people . 11. start laughing, when . 12. When my parents dont let me go out,. Grammatical rules We use the open conditional to talk about and - We can use both and in open conditional sentences. Both verbs are in the simple Fill in the gaps with the following words: if, cause, present, effect, when.