Arbeitsblatt: Lernkontrolle Young World 2 Unit 4


Lernkontrolle YoungWorld 2 Unit 4
4. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




stefafu (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Assessment Unit 4 Exploring nature 1. Name Date Points Grade Signature 18 What can you do in the woods? Tie rope around branch. Cut branch off tree. Throw rubbish on the ground. Make fire in the picnic area. Go jogging and walking. Let my dog run into the forest. /3 2. What animal is it? like nuts. climb tree very fast. Im . Good luck! Im afraid of foxes. have nice fur, eat grass and can see all around me. Im . Im bird and with my beak peck insects out of trees. am . eat mice and have good ears. can fly. am . /4 3. Answer these questions. What is the hedgehog doing? (eat snails) The hedgehog is eating snails. What is the fox doing? (hunt) What are the rabbits doing? (sleep) What is the blackbird doing? (sing) /3 4. Read and draw! Its autumn. The leaves are green, brown, orange and red. There are five pears on the tree. boy built little tree house between the big branch on the left and the big branch in the middle. Between the roots lives mouse with its three young mice. Between the branches is birds nest. On top of the tree lives squirrel. On the left side of the tree there is fox. It is eating blackbird. Five boards are on the ground. rope is hanging from the right side of the tree. /5 5. Write the correct letters in the boxes. B D F The sun shines on the leaves. The ground holds the water. The roots hold the ground together. The leaves clean the air. The water goes up to the leaves. The rain comes down. /3