Arbeitsblatt: Signature Hunt Game
Sammle Unterschriften mit "Gleichgesinnten"
Anderes Thema
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten
Sara Lee
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Hunt after Signatures Name: Date: Students, 1. who like the same hobby as me, are called: 2. whose first name starts with the same letter as mine, are called: 3. who have the same hair colour as have, are called: 4. who live close to me, are called: 5. who have the same eye colour as have, are called: 6. who are smaller than am, are called: 7. who are born in the same month as am, are called: 8. who like the same TV broadcast ( Fernsehsendung), are called: 9. who have the same hobby as have, are called: 10. who like to go to school, are called: 11. who like to get to know better, are called: 12. who liked directly, when first saw her him, are called: 13. who have the same amount of siblings (Geschwister) as have, are called: