Arbeitsblatt: Family-Tree
Übungsmaterial mit Stammbaum-Vorlage
7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten
Amigo (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Family Tree 4. Generation Felipe Brown (2) Cedric Brown (2) Marty Brown (2) Timothy Blue (6) Janis Blue (f.,9) Nike Black (5) Chantal Pink (4) -------- 3. Generation Erin Brown (24) Simon Green (28) Jeremy Pink (32) Bryan Lilac (34) Jim Blue (39) Maria Orange (26) Tim Black (33) Paul Brown (25) Charleene Green (28) Tessa Pink (28) Carrie Lilac (34) Terry Blue (30) Martin Orange (29) Sarah Black (30) Gerard Brown (25) 2. Generation Jesse Brown (58) Lizzie Brown (48) Paula Brown (59) Bill Orange (62) Cedric Brown (59) Philipp Brown (68) Tom Brown (60) Nikki Orange (66) Santine Brown (34) Jasmine Brown (64) 1. Generation Helen Brown (86) John Brown (89) Wortliste Man kann sie zB folgendermaßen erarbeiten: Mindmap an der Tafel Den Schülern die deutschen Begriffe geben und sie müssen sie allein, in Gruppenarbeit oder mH des Wörterbuches erarbeiten . wife – husband – nephew – uncle – daughter – mother – sister – father – son – cousin – mother-inlaw – son-in-law – aunt – niece – brother – father-in-law – daughter-in-law – grandfather – granddaughter – grandmother – grandson – parents – grandparents Abhängig vom Leistungsniveau und den besonderen Gegebenheiten kann man auch noch Begriffe wie stepfather u.ä. einbauen, wenn die Schüler dann ihren eigenen Stammbaum zeichnen und beschreiben sollen. Lösungen des Arbeitsblattes: 1. nephew, uncle – 2. daughter, mother – 3. sisters – 4. father-in-law, son-in-law – 5. father, daughter – 6. cousins – 7. aunt, niece – 8. mother-inlaw, son-in-law – 9. grandmother, grandson – 10. father-in-law, daughter-in-law – 11. grandfather, granddaughter – 12. grandmother, grandson – 13. parents, son – 14. grandparents, grandson Worksheet „Family Tree 1. Take look at the family tree and write down how the mentioned people are related to each other. Please give both possibilities! Ex.: Helen Brown to John Brown. She is his wife. He is her husband. 1. Timothy Blue to Gerard Brown. 2. Chantal Pink to Tessa Pink. 3. Jasmine Brown to Nikki Orange. 4. Philipp Brown to Simon Green. 5. Bill Orange to Sarah Black. 6. Terry Blue to Paul Brown. 7. Carrie Lilac to Janis Blue. 8. Lizzie Brown to Jeremy Pink. 9. Jesse Brown to Cedric Brown. 10. John Brown to Paula Brown. 11. Philipp Brown to Chantal Pink. 12. Paula Brown to Timothy Blue. 13. Paul Brown and Erin Brown to Felipe Brown. 14. Helen Brown and John Brown to Gerard Brown. 2. Now draw your own family tree. Mention at least yourself, your brothers and sisters, your parents and your grandparents. If you know more people, make your tree bigger. Afterwards, write down how you are related to all the people in your family tree. Ex.: Tim is my brother. Lisa is my mother. Tom is my father. They both are my parents. .